Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bouquets of Newly-Sharpened Pencils

“Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”
~Meg Ryan as Kathleen Kelly in "You've Got Mail"

I used to think I’d NEVER be a teacher. I always went to the teacher supply store with my mom (also a teacher) as she prepared her classroom. I would just about have a panic attack around all those teachers snatching up rubber stamps, stickers, wooden hall passes, workbooks, and border. I thought… how dumb!! But of course… here I am… (Although I have yet to fight over border.)

School starts tomorrow! I love that my life at age 26 still follows the rhythm of a school year. August means a nervous stomach, a fresh start, blank notebooks, sharp pencils, and a few new outfits. October is kids excited about pumpkins and Halloween. When the first chill comes, we look forward to Thanksgiving break. Two weeks off for Christmas. Valentine’s Day at school. Field trips. TAKS testing. Spring Break. Off for the summer. Rest. Repeat. What’s not to love?

I have a strange obsession with schools. When I drive by a school, I have this urge to go in and see it. I want to peek in classroom windows. The beginning of school is just the best when everything is clean and new. I know this kind of contradicts my last post about things not mattering, but who can resist a new box of crayons and a brand new binder with blank dividers??? Please. Everyone loves Office Max as much as I do. Right?

So here’s to the first day of school. I’m going to go pack my lunch.



  1. Good luck!! I'll be praying for you and your classroom as you start a new year! AND, I feel that that opening quote, in some small way, was an ode to your former roomie. :)(I know it wasn't, but just let me think it. ;)

  2. I believe Carrie Carson likes Office Max more than everyone in the entire USA. Hope your first day goes well!

  3. Everyone in college used to make fun of me for loving to get new books each I see it kind of runs in the family. Thanks, Mom & Dad... :)


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