Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ode to Tropical Storm Edouard

You, Edouard, are a tropical storm like no other (OK... you're like every other, but play along).

We think your name is mis-spelled, but it's not.

You have stumped every local newscaster in your proper pronunciation.

As a public relations genius, you monopolized every local station for the last 24+ hours.

You even pre-empted Good Morning America, which is a feat about which I was not happy.

You caused long gas lines at every gas station.

You somehow convinced savvy Wal-Mart shoppers to purchase cases of water and cans of corn as if it were the end of the world.

You even convinced us to put all of our patio furniture inside the house! (And it does NOT match my decor just so you know.)

You fooled us for a while, Edouard.

But, I'm looking out the window at you... and you're not very scary.

You're actually quite pleasant since I enjoy a good rain.

So, hooray for you Edouard! You have Houston wrapped around your finger / eye.

But, best of all, you freaked out every school district in the area and granted me a day of working at home in my pajamas.

I appreciate that as much as the next person, so for that...

I thank you.
Come again soon.


  1. I love the blog Bacardi! And I do love the tribute to Edouard and the fact that you pointed out the complete misspelling of the name! I was thinking the SAME thing!

  2. yes, andrew and i we wondering what was up with this Edouard business?!? like the blog! blazer is uber-cute!

  3. GIGS!!! It's me! Your long lost friend! Welcome to blogging! I haven't updated mine since March...I was taking a vacation from it. I'm plannin' on getting something up there soon. Glad we can keep up a bit better now :)


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