Friday, October 24, 2008

From the Minds of Seventh Graders

At the end of each quarter at school, kids fill out a course evaluation for each class. They get to honestly critique their teachers, and they relish the opportunity. I actually LOVE this day and am obsessed with reading what kids think of my class. Today was the day. After poring over the results, I have some gems to share with you. I broke the best into two categories: "Hilarious" and "Precious". Don't worry - I also got some negative comments! They were all totally true. Kids can be very insightful! But for the sake of the blog, I'll just post the fun stuff. I copied these DIRECTLY off the surveys. You just can't make this stuff up. Spelling errors preserved for authenticity, as always :-)


  • I have learned alot. I almost think I could be an English teacher.
  • The thing I like best about this class is the carpet. (No rooms in our school have carpet. My team teacher & I bought carpet for our room to make it cozy!)
  • I learned that good readers do a lot of things.
  • She makes lessons seem important.
  • Mrs. Norwood is always on-task and does what she does.
  • I learned that reading can be fun but also very tiring.
  • I learned to pay attention in class and if you don't you will pay for it in quizzes, tests, and things like that.
  • She is very fun. She plays and teaches at the same time.
  • She makes it really clear that we are going to learn something.
  • What Mrs. Norwood taught me is how to read.
  • What Mrs. Norwood could do better is let us get out early and talk to other people. We could have free time to let out what you have on your mind. At least 5 min.


  • This teacher reads in a way that it makes is seem like we are at the movies.
  • She makes me want to read books that I have not read.
  • What Mrs. Norwood can do better is nothing. She is perfect.
  • I learned that studying makes me more smarter.
  • I learned that everyone can be good or grate at everything and to give 100% everyday.
  • I finally learned how to not be afraid of something you don't want to write.
  • I have seen how all of my classes tie together.
  • She is always excited to teach. I like that she's always in a good mood.
  • Mrs. Norwood is really specific and she takes the time to see if everybody knows what we are learning.
  • Mrs. Norwood is teaching me new things so I can go to college.
  • What Mrs. Norwood could do better is give us more time to read.
  • Mrs. Norwood doesn't have to do better.
  • She does everything so well and I love her.
  • She teaches and talks to me individual and that's what I like is that she talks to me alone.
  • I've learned that reading can relate to your life and that books seem more interesting when they're in your favorite genre.


  1. What sweet kids! They are lucky to have Mrs. Norwood as their teacher. :)

    p.s. my "word verification" is boozine. hm.


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