Sunday, November 30, 2008

25 Days of Christmas

I'm not sure where the "12 Days of Christmas" came from, but for me it's more like 25+ days of Christmas. I loooooooooooove Christmas. As far as I'm concerned, when October hits, Christmas music is fair game, and the day after Thanksgiving... well, it's ON! I dragged down all of the Christmas decorations on Friday and spent two days getting things just like I wanted them. I moved things around, I tried decorations in three or four different places, I spent two and a half hours at Hobby Lobby. Yes, I did. And I loved it.

As December continues, I'm sure I'll share many more things I love about Christmas. But for now.... "On the 25th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: A weekend full of decorating and an afternoon at Hobby Lobby."

(My favorite ornament - a glue/glitter yarn blob I made in preschool)


1 comment:

  1. hey katie- beautiful house and super cute dog! i have tagged you go to my blog- and join in on the game:) its kind of fun!

    happy christmas from Portland


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