Sunday, November 9, 2008

As If!

Today while standing in line (for a LONG time) at the grocery store, I noticed a few magazine headlines that caught my eye. The only magazines I subscribe to these days are food and cooking magazines since I am an old lady and became disillusioned with everything else a while ago. Today I found myself channeling Cher from Clueless and saying, "AS IF!" as I scanned the magazine racks. Here are the ridiculous headlines that I recorded on my grocery list since I had nothing better to do:

From "TV Guide"...
110 Shows You LOVE! (Does anyone really have time to watch 110 shows?!)

From a magazine called "Storage" (seriously)...
Store More, Stress Less - 263 Ways to Make Your Life Easier. (Here's a thought... throw all that crap away!!!)

From "Complete Woman"...
Jessica Simpson - Her Secret to TRUE Happiness (Please. Is Jessica Simpson really our happiness role model?)

From "OK"...
Jennifer Aniston Turns 40: Her exclusive to-do list (I finally know what to do with my life now that I have Jennifer Aniston's To-Do list!)

From "People"...
What Kind of Dog Should Malia and Sahsa Get? (Yes. All of our country's problems will be solved when Obama's children get the puppy of their dreams.)

You should try it next time you're standing in line. Quite amusing! Now I'm going to go read a book :-)



  1. Yes! I was too!!! Okay, not saying "as if", mine was more like "seriously, who cares about this?!".
    You would have been proud, I made pork tenderloin with a pineapple BBQ sauce (it was a food network recipie and took 3 grocery stores to accomplish the job, I had a lot of time to read the headlines).

  2. HA. I love the "throw all that crap away!" awesome. But... to be fair... Jessica Simpson IS my happiness role model.


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