Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Only Thing Constant Is Change

We have some news to share here at the Norwood Nest! We are moving! Yes, I know. You're thinking to yourself: Those Norwoods are always moving! And the answer is yes, we are. Brent & I have been married for three and a half years, and this will be our fourth time to move! You would have thought by now that I would just stop trying to plan my own life down to the minute and let God move me wherever He wants! I know from experience that God always puts me exactly where He wants me, and He has been faithful to bless me more than I could have ever imagined or planned.

We do love our apartment, but for a variety of reasons, we have decided to buy a house in Humble. Although the address is no longer "Houston", we will only be 15 minutes from downtown. We will also ironically be only 10 minutes from my school. This will be a welcome change since now I am driving 30 minutes one way to work each day. We decided to build a custom home in a neighborhood called "Fall Creek". We were not looking to move until April, so building a home is a perfect option. That's right! The high-rise city folk are moving to the suburbs!

Here is a picture of the lovely dirt we currently own. Isn't it beautiful? But really, in three short months it will be our house!
Here is a picture of another house in the neighborhood that looks very much like our completed house will look. It is a three bedroom, two bath house with a huge kitchen (yay), fireplace, patio, backyard (yay for Blazer), study, and jetted tub (yay).
The most fun part about building a custom home is that we get to pick out pretty much everything. One night last week, we went to the "design center" to pick out EVERYTHING in 4 hours. I'm not a very good decision maker, so the designer had to push me along, but I think we did it! We now have counters, a backsplash, cabinets, floors, paint, bathroom fixtures, tile, and lots of other stuff I can't think of now! Here is a shot of our table at the design center at one point so you can see how much is going on.

This is a picture of our future backsplash that I am totally in love with. It is really modern and almost Asian looking. Brent & I saw it at a restaurant once and decided we had to have it. Well, now's our chance, so we got it!So that's that! We're packing our bags come April! I'll keep you updated with pictures of our house as it materializes from nothing over the next months!


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