Sunday, April 19, 2009

Free Guided Tours!

We closed on our new home on Friday!!! It's official. Our apartment is currently a disaster as we pack and get ready to officially move on Thursday. Yay for new houses. We totally love it and hope you do, too! Watch the video below for a guided tour of the house!

Blazer makes several cameos in the video. There's no furniture yet, so he's pretty much the most interesting thing in the house.

Please excuse me for calling our very light countertops "dark" in the video. I got stage fright or something. I meant that the cabinets are dark and the countertops are light. Oh well. The rest is fun to watch!!



  1. YAY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Awesome house. I am in LOOOOOVE with your kitchen, hardwoods, master/bath. Love it all!!!!!

  2. Congratulations Norwoods!! It's gorgeous. I can't wait to come visit!! XOXO

  3. New visitor from Life is Glamorous.... just HAD to check out your blog as my last name (married) is NORWOOD. Gotta love that! Your new house looks great! Congratulations!

  4. Love the house especially the kitchen. Thanks for sharing with us! I felt like I was watching House Hunters.

  5. super cute! Where did you buy?

  6. What an awesome house! I love the style of your new pad!


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