Monday, May 25, 2009

And the Angels Sang

I have a secret (or maybe not so secret) love for organizing. I love to clean things up and organize them. It's compulsive sometimes. Like when I was in high school, the remote control to my stereo had to be parallel to the edge of the table. Stuff like that. The one problem: I've never had a good place for my shoes. The closet in the new house is big enough, but has no shoe space. Thank goodness I have a husband who also loves organization. He loves it so much that he was willing to buy me a super sweet shoe rack at IKEA this weekend. He put together the frame and I popped in the shelves. The result is nothing short of a dream. When I look at it, I can almost hear angels singing.
Shoes before:
Shoes after:
Can you hear it?


1 comment:

  1. s actually making fun of you in my head while I was reading this, but when I scrolled down and saw the picture I too heard the angels singing! That is AMAZING and I think I need one for myself! I also think I remember you and I wearing the same shoe size....and if that's the case I think I might need to borrow those red heels! XOXO


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