Thursday, January 28, 2010

Must Have Mexican

If you've met me for more than ten minutes, you know that my one true love is my husband, but my second true love is Mexican food. I mean, I LOOOOOOVE Mexican food. I will tell you, without hesitation, that my favorite food is fajitas, closely followed by tacos. I really can not overestimate my love for a good tex-mex meal. Moving to the North is simply out of the question for me. Not possible. Thankfully, I married a fellow Mexican food lover. Brent actually introduced me to fajitas, so we were obviously a match made in heaven. We eat Mexican food EVERY weekend - without fail. I know it's not the most healthy food for me, but I'm willing to eat healthy all week just so I can have Mexican once on the weekend. I will not give it up, no matter what. I lost 3 pounds last week, and I still had my fajitas! Take that, Weight Watchers!

Since eating fajitas twice a week is basically out of the question, I have to find other ways to satisfy my Mexican cravings without breaking the monetary or calorie bank. Tonight I had three of my absolute favorites, and my calorie count is none the wiser. If you love Mexican, you must have:

Wholly Salsa
You may have had Wholly Guacamole - it's an all natural brand of guacamole. They just came out with a salsa. It is also all natural and extremely delicious. It tastes fresh, tart, and homemade. Pair it with some baked chips and you're snacking healthy.

A Skinnygirl Margaria
I love me a margarita... who doesn't?? However, I actually don't love the syrupy-sweet versions that have as much calories as a whole meal. They don't even taste good to me. Enter Bethanny Frankel. Last summer, I blogged about her book Naturally Thin. In that book, she shares her recipe for the "skinnygirl margarita". Brent and I tried this margarita, and we have never looked back (even though Brent is clearly not a girl, so it works for men, too). It is made with crushed ice, tequila, triple sec, lime juice, and club soda. It's delicious!! Crisp, clean, and, um...strong. No sugar involved. Believe me, you won't miss it.

Tortilla Soup
First of all, I LOVE SOUP. It's close after tacos on my list. This tortilla soup is a recipe from my mom's old-school Joan Lunden cookbook. It is really, really good. It is also really, really easy. It is a weeknight soup if I ever saw one. You dump everything into one pot and cook it. Done and done. It is super healthy, but it gives you that Mexican taste I crave. I always put a bit of low fat sour cream and low fat cheese on top because... why not?? You can find a link to this healthy soup recipe here. ps: the leftovers are awesome for lunch the next day.

I love you, Mexican food. You are so good to me.


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