Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Real Simple Snack

I don't know about you, but I become ravenous around 4:30. Brent and I don't eat dinner until pretty late (8:00 or later most nights), so I absolutely must have a snack sometime before then. I usually want something salty, savory, easy, quick, and filling, yet healthy. Definitely a tall order after a long day at work with dinner still to make and no time to go to the store.

Solution: Katie's Quick Mediterranean Dip.

It really only takes two ingredients: canned tomatoes and feta cheese. (OK, four ingredients if you add the spices.) Canned tomatoes will keep in your pantry forever, and feta cheese also has a very long shelf life in the fridge, so I keep a large stock of both. This is a recipe I adapted from a Cooking Light recipe I came across a long time ago. As far as I can see, you're getting some good lycopene from the tomatoes as well as a serving of veggies, plus protein and calcium from the cheese and some whole grain in your pita chips. I don't suggest eating the whole bowl unless it's a meal, so I just eat a bit and put it in the fridge to heat up tomorrow. Here's how I make it, but it's endlessly adaptable! You can go from hungry to satisfied in 2 minutes.

Katie's Quick Mediterranean Dip

1 can diced tomatoes (I like the Italian flavored kinds, and I prefer Hunt's, but any will do)
1 package low fat crumbled feta cheese
pinch of garlic powder
pinch of crushed red pepper flakes (but I like mine spicy!)

1. Thoroughly drain the can of tomatoes. Pour in a microwave-safe bowl.
2. Stir in garlic powder and red pepper flakes to your liking.
3. Stir in one container of low fat crumbled feta cheese.
4. Cover with a paper towel and microwave for 1 - 2 minutes. Feta does not melt, but it gets soft and warm and melds with the tomatoes. Yum.
5. Eat with pita chips, crackers, bread, or tortilla chips.

Come back tomorrow for real simple menu planning and grocery shopping!


1 comment:

  1. MMMMM... Can't wait to try this in October when I can eat Feta again!


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