Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Not Boot Season Yet...

... but I really, really wish it was.

I shopped a pre-season boot sale online at DSW (I love DSW more than the average person should) and ordered these little cuties:

They showed up on my doorstep today, and it was like Christmas in August. Today the heat index in Houston was 110 degrees, but that didn't stop me from putting on my new boots and walking around the house. I can not overstate how much I LOVE these boots! They are super soft and comfortable, have a cute wedge heel, and let's be honest... that ruffle had me at hello. And get this... they are only $59 at DSW!! Can you afford NOT to get them? I will be READY when that first cool wind blows and you better believe I'm wearing these babies the first chance I get.

As much as I love the boots, my favorite part about receiving them this evening was when I modeled them for my husband who would most likely place "boots" at a zero or negative one on his list of priorities. Nevertheless, I wanted him to admire the boots. He was busy working in the study, and the conversation went like this:

Me: Aren't these boots so freaking cute???
Brent (Not looking up, monotone): Yep.
Me: But, I mean do you like them?
Brent (Not looking up, monotone): For sure.
Me (pointing at the boot, as if this would help): But, did you SEE the cute RUFFLE?
Brent (Not looking up, monotone): Yeah, it's my favorite part.

Haha! God bless him.

Personally, I think the best way to beat the heat is to do a little online shopping and pick up some cool weather treats. You'll be glad you did come November. You're definitely going to need the ruffle boots that I got, and you're also going to need these:

And these:

And maybe even these:
Was that a cold draft I just felt? I thought so.



  1. Lol. I can just picture the boot show off and following comments. Love it. But they are so cute!

  2. Can I please buy the same boots you did?! In both brown AND black?! And thank you for only wearing them around the house...I've seen several people in public with boots on in over 100 degree heat...what are they thinking!??!

  3. I can totally see Brent saying those things - very funny! And yes, I can see how you can't live without those.

  4. CUTE boots!! I wish I liked knee boots.... I can never seem to find them to fit around my calves for some reason. Do I have ginormous calves or are they just disproportionate to my small feet?! I have no idea. You make the call.

  5. Katie! Agh...now I need like three pairs of shoes. Because your brown ones are the cutest tall boots I have seen in a good, long while. And so are the other ruffle-y ones. And the rainboots.
    You have fahbulous taste, dahling.


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