Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Craftiness

Usually, I'm happy if I can make it through a day of work, work out, get dinner on the table, and keep the house relatively clean. But when it's break time, I'm all about the projects. Crafts, projects, whatever you want to call them... I'm all over it. I have a few days off and suddenly I'm making trips to Hobby Lobby at least once a day and doing things that involve paint, hot glue guns, ribbon, and the occasional iron. This Christmas break has been no exception. I've been working away, and I have six craft projects to show you! All of them are quick, easy, and fun. (Or at least I think so!)

Project #1: Wedding Plate for Julia

We were not able to spend Christmas this year with Julia and her fiance Darrell, but I wanted to send her a fun gift for Christmas to also celebrate her wedding. I loved having a wedding plate in our kitchen (until three years ago when Brent broke it, but that's a story for another day!) I went to the Mad Potter in Houston with my friend from church and painted this wedding plate for Julia to put in her new kitchen.

Project #2: Christmas Card Tree

I've gotten a ton of ideas from fellow bloggers. One of my best friends from college, Tiffany, gave me this idea and I finally stole it. She makes the cutest little Christmas card tree to display her cards each year. We usually put ours on the fridge, but it was looking a little cluttered this year, so I decided to try the tree. I had the branches from Wendy's baby shower blessing branch, so I re-purposed them, and I love the effect! It looks great in this un-used space in our dining room.

Project #3: Screen with Fabric

A long time ago, my mom gave me a cute wooden screen with picture frames. I loved having it in my room in Dallas. It's been sitting in our empty room for years now, waiting to go someday in a baby room. Well today I got tired of waiting for a baby room, so I fixed it up Katie style to go in our living room. I am obsessed with the result. I picked out some cute fabric at Hobby Lobby and taped it in the picture frames! It is a foolproof project. When I look at this part of my living room now, I kind of catch my breath because I love it so much!!

Here's a close up of some of the fabrics.
Project #4: Banner for Julia's Wedding Shower

Since my sister is getting married in March, we are having a wedding shower for her in February, and I got a little excited about making some things for the shower. I got the idea for this banner from my friend Mindy's adorable baby shower banner here. I copied it with our shower colors, and I totally love the final product! The letters have this pretty Martha Stewart gold glitter outlining them. It's kind of hard to see in the picture, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Project #5: Blessing Branch for Julia's Shower
As mentioned before, Tiffany gave me the idea of a "blessing branch" that I have since used at my sister-in-law's baby shower. In February, we're going to use it at Julia's wedding shower, so I made these cute little cards for people to write blessings to hang on the tree.
Project #6: Twine Garland
I took down the Christmas decorations, but I still wanted a little something for the mantel. I had these twine balls sitting in a bowl, but I decided to string them up on a gauzy ribbon and make a shabby-chic twine garland. I'm in love.



  1. Julia's plate is SO cute! You did such a good job. Mine would have been a miserable failure with stick figures. :) Love the screen too!

  2. Martha,

    I am not surprised by any of this. You are so crafty! My favorite part of this blog was you eagerly admitting that your wooden frame holder with fabric "takes your breath away" when you walk into the room. The reason it's my favorite part is because I SO know that it really does take your breath away. That's why I love you!

    The plate looks amazing!! Julia adored it I'm sure! What a precious and priceless gift. And putting the fabric in the wooden screen was a great idea! It looks awesome!

  3. Julia is going to LOVE her blessings tree. I really loved it, it was one of my favorite things about my shower. All of the blessings are in his baby book!

  4. Katie- seriously you are too much!!!! i love you for it, but i'm going to have to come take lessons for being such a good home maker:)

  5. Well, T-Rog stole my "Martha" greeting.... but this is so ridiculously awesome. I LOVE the plate. You are an ar-teest. :D


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