Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2020!

On Friday, we took all 155 of our little seventh graders to A&M for a day trip! It was really fun even though it was FREEZING! According to my calculations, if our 7th graders attend Texas A&M, they will be proud members of the class of 2020! Crazy!!

We wanted our seventh graders to see what a college looks like and get an idea of what it might be like to attend college. We talk about college all the time, but sometimes I don't think it sinks in. When you're 12, it's hard to think that far ahead, especially if you've never seen a college campus in your life and/or no one in your family has ever gone to college. We want them to work hard in seventh grade in preparation for college, and we want them to desire to go to college, which is harder than it sounds. I hope that their trip yesterday impacted them in some way and that at least a few will go to A&M! We have several teachers on our team who, after visiting, actually said they WISHED they had gone to A&M. Brings a tear to my eye! Here were the cutest quotes of the day:

"Miss, do they have free dress day everyday?? Because they are not wearing uniforms, and someone was wearing pajamas."

"This dorm looks like a HOTEL!"

"You all are making it too hard for me. Now I want to go to Georgetown and UT and A&M!"

"Well, I would want to be an en-gi-a-neer. Because they get to fix cars. Or maybe a Marine. Because they get to use guns."

Here we are on our campus tour. Our school's mascot, Toby the Trailblazer, came along with us and got his picture taken with E. King Gill.
Me with some of my girls, Andrea, Brittney, and Alejandra in front of the Academic Building with old Sul Ross
Listening to our tour guide on the Military Walk
Having class in a real classroom with a real professor! It was so cute. This was the classroom where I took INFO 210!!! Weird to be back eight years later with my students!

Lots of them said that the class was their favorite part. I mean, whatever works!
Here is my little "bestie". This is Amanda, and I love her. She's hanging out with me in seventh grade for a second year, and she likes to act like she doesn't like me. But she secretly does, and she's one of my faves. She's doing much better this year!
Yay for brainwashing the young people early with Aggie traditions!!


  1. INSPIRATIONAL!!! I cannot wait to be teaching in Texas again where K-12 education still has hope! I miss my 7th graders SO much. I am doing 5/6th now---ahhh!! I am SO proud that you guys are taking these kids to see what they CAN do! I am sure that this has made a difference in all of their lives!! Thank you for doing this :-)

  2. How awesome that you got to take your kiddos to Aggieland! I hope some of them end up there in 2016! I hope Carson ends up the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2033! :-) Whoop!

  3. I think you know how much I love hearing about students and teachers falling in love with Aggieland... it never gets old... BUT that was not my favorite part of this post. I got chills when you said, "Our schools mascot, Toby the Trailblazer..." I'm so excited to see the traditions sticking! We're creating our own little A&M at YES NC! :) Miss you!!

  4. Hi Katie!

    Julia shared your blog address with me. I hope you don't mind me reading. I have enjoyed your inspirational posts, recipes, and CRAFTS! I can't wait to meet you in person SOON!

    Darrell's sister,
    Dana Roderick :)


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