Monday, January 17, 2011

A Three Day's Rest

As we speak, I'm enjoying a lovely glass of Cabernet Sauvignon to cap off my three day's rest. Turns out, I needed it. As of Friday, I had worked twelve days in a row without a day off. I thought I was doing OK, though I was a bit tired. I was super productive all week long, but around 4:00 on Friday, I hit a wall. No.More.Work. I just could not do one more thing. Then I cried all the way home. Why? Not sure. I was tired, and I had become a menace to myself and others. Thankfully, this was one of those rare weekends where we had NOTHING planned. No obligations. Both Brent and I were free, AND we had Monday off. Praise God! It was like the best weekend ever. There are no pictures on this post because I'm pretty sure you can live without seeing me in my pajama pants, soft t-shirt, cozy socks, and questionably clean ponytail. Because that is what I wore all weekend. Nothing to see here. And, to top it all off, God made it rain all weekend in Houston. Yes, please. I didn't even feel guilty about not leaving the house.

Here's a rundown of what we did / did not do this weekend:
  • Made homemade pizza for Friday night dinner
  • Slept 10-12 hours each night
  • Drank coffee for at least one hour each morning
  • Finished my book, The Help
  • Did my Bible study each day
  • Had dinner at La Dolce Vita with church friends
  • Took naps
  • Took four baths
  • Went to night church
  • Ate Lupe Tortilla take out fajitas
  • Went for two walk/jogs
  • Watched DVR-ed Selling New York, Outrageous Yachts, and House Hunters International
  • Made homemade chicken noodle soup
  • Caught up on laundry
  • Made apple pie out of things I already had in the refrigerator (ready made pie crust left over from Christmas and apples that were reaching the end of their life span)

It was SUCH a good weekend! Hope yours was relaxing, too. Back to the real world tomorrow...



  1. So fun, I'm a little jealous! I am sitting here drinking some cab too though. Good times!

  2. This sounds AMAZING!!! What a fantastic weekend. Glad you got to catch up on all the important things. :) XOXO

  3. Just like the college know, making homemade apple pies with apples that were reaching the end of their life span...just because. :)


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