Monday, January 31, 2011

Una Fiesta Cubana!

This Sunday was our favorite day... Supper Club day! Our neighborhood Supper Club is still going strong over a year after we began. This time, it was our turn to host again, and we thought it would be appropriate to celebrate Brent's Cuban heritage with a Cuban themed party. It turned out to be really fun, and I truly felt like it was summer in the middle of winter. It was abnormally warm on Sunday, so it felt super festive to wear our tropical clothes, sip Mojitos, and listen to our awesome "Cuban" station on Pandora. We are so grateful to have such wonderful friends in our neighborhood. We enjoyed getting to know our newest supper club members, Carrie and KC, but we really missed Erin & JT who couldn't make it this time.

You can see the invitation to the right complete with the menu.

Brent worked hard on Sunday afternoon to master the making of a Mojito. He even watched a YouTube video. It was legit. He was the bartender for the night and made some REALLY excellent mojitos. Here he is hard at work:
Here is his final creation, handcrafted for each guest!

Diana & Cassie enjoying their drinks
Homemade olive salsa and avocado sour cream! Served with the best chips in the entire world, Tia Rosa MEGAthin chips!

Avocado Salad (I mixed together red onion, cherry tomatoes, shredded lettuce, diced avocado, and chopped cilantro and dressed with olive oil, white wine vinegar, lime juice, and salt.)
Homemade Cubanos. I was pretty impressed with how these turned out. I stuffed French bread with thinly sliced ham, roasted thinly sliced pork tenderloin, Swiss cheese, Dijon mustard, and dill pickle slices. Then I buttered the sandwiches and griddled them under a cast iron skillet to press them.
Here's my Latin Chicken & Rice - a Rachael Ray recipe that can be found here. The toppings also double as dips as you can see above.
We ended the night with Brenda's delicious rum cake. I devoured it and did not take a picture. It was such a fun night, and we even had our first baby make an appearance at Supper Club - Carrie & KC's little Holden. Thanks, friends, for making it a real fiesta :-)



  1. We had such a good time. Thank you for hosting. You're the best!

  2. Hi Katie! I have enjoyed reading your blog. I copied down a couple recipes. They are the ones using quinoa. That is neat that Julia knows about the chemistry of it all! Guess what? We know Carrie and KC from Midland! We went to their wedding. It sounds like you have some great friends,


Thank you for your comments! I treasure each one and appreciate your friendship!