Monday, March 21, 2011

Goin' To The Chapel: Part I

My sister is married! This weekend was the big celebration. Brent and I traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia on Thursday with my entire family and stayed until Sunday to marry off my sister and send her on her way to her Hawaii honeymoon. It was a great weekend and so fun to see family, get to know Darrell (my new brother-in-law), and get to meet Darrell's family. It was a weekend packed full of parties and get-togethers and it's safe to say that we showered them with all the love we could.

The weekend's festivities began on Thursday at an Irish Pub (on St. Patrick's day... we're not the brightest.) It was fun to reunite with my whole family. My cousin Lee bet Brent that he could not come up with the source of the reference on his t-shirt (can you?). Brent did, so Lee had to buy him a drink. I did not win, but I am married to Brent, so I won by default. Lee was nice enough to buy me a drink too.
The next morning, we started the beautifying process at the nail salon. Everyone knows you can't have a southern wedding without manicures and pedicures.
After the mani/pedi party, Brent and I had a chance to tour the UVA campus where my sister is currently getting her PhD. Did I mention she's smart? It was truly beautiful and made me want to learn more history. The entire campus was designed by Thomas Jefferson.
Here we are on "the lawn". The lawn is flanked by the Rotunda and dorm rooms that were designed by Jefferson himself with original fireplaces, floors, windows, and doors. So cool!
My & My daddy
The row of dorm rooms, each with firewood stacked outside for the fireplace! So cool! Some people even had rocking chairs outside their doors that had me at hello.
Each dorm room has a garden behind it like this one. Because obviously you need a garden like this when you're in college. The walls are "serpentine" and Jefferson made them like that just because he wanted to.
Inside the historic rotunda
Beautiful trees in bloom (cherry blossom?)
Friday night we rehearsed at the church and had a lovely BBQ dinner also at the church. Here's my fam before the rehearsal minus Brent. We had to get to the rehearsal like two hours early, so he opted to come later at the regular people time :-)
Julia and her adorable new nieces and nephews
Insider view of the rehearsal
Me and my Aunt Robyn. Love her.
The theme was "country store BBQ" and they had mason jars of candy at each table. My husband brought new meaning to the phrase "kid in a candy store".
My momma. She's nice. We like ruffles.
The ladies from my mom's side of the family: cousin Melissa, Aunt Susan, me, mom, Aunt Robyn, Julia
Cousins! May I remind you that I'm wearing 3 inch heels in this picture and I still look remarkably like an elf. I never think I'm petite until I'm around this crew.
Bridesmaids and house party! Me, Casey, Laura, Julia, Chrissy, and Monica
... and that was just Thursday and Friday! We haven't even gotten to the wedding yet! Check back soon for Part II.


1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! Can't wait to see sals in her wedding gown! Congratulations Julia!!


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