Monday, April 4, 2011

Must Have Shoes

I wanted to let you know about the one pair of shoes you can't live without this Spring. I mean, if I didn't have these shoes, I'd go barefoot 3-5 days a week, because that's how much I wear them. Here are all of the things these shoes have going for them:

  • They are SUPER comfy - I'm talking mall walks, long days of errands, teaching, etc.

  • They have the tiniest wedge heel, so your jeans won't drag the floor.

  • They have a fun spring-y cut out pattern.

  • They come in yellow, black, white, red, and turquoise.

  • They are from Target, so they are, get this, $15!!!!!!
I personally snagged a yellow pair that you see pictured here. I LOVE these shoes. The yellow looks adorable with jeans, navy blue, gray, and pink. I have worn mine so much that they are starting to get a little dirty. For $15, I might just buy another!!! A friend of mine at school bought them in three colors. I ask you: Can you afford to NOT buy these adorable spring flats?

I thought so. Go here to get some. (free shipping!)



  1. Cute, cute and triple cute!!! I think you should make these to store all your flippies and flats...


  2. I saw these last week and seriously almost picked them up! VERY cute find!

  3. I just got the yellow shoes on clearance for $5 and had to tell you! :)

  4. OMG Katie these are so cute!! I am seriously going to get these TODAY before the crawfish boil I'm going to tomorrow afternoon!


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