Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where You Go, I'll Go

For the past eight months, the Lord has brought us on a journey that is only just beginning, and we're ready to share it with the world!

We're moving!!!

To North Carolina!!!

As of June 10th, we will be official residents of Durham, North Carolina and Brent will be a proud member of the Duke MBA class of 2013! That's right... the Aggie of all Aggies will add "Blue Devil" to his identity.

We are thrilled and couldn't be more excited. Though we will always be Texans, we can't wait to add North Carolina to our life experience. It is only through the Lord's loving direction in our life that we are embarking on this journey. Praise God that everything we are and everything we have is from Him!

At this point you may be thinking: "Wait. Didn't the Norwoods JUST move?!" Let's pause for a moment to play a little game I like to call "Nail Down the Norwoods". It's difficult, but you can try and play along at home.

Q: How long have the Norwoods been married?
A: 6 years.
Q: How many places have the Norwoods lived?
A: Two owned houses, two apartments, a rental house, four cities, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Q: How many jobs has Katie had?
A: 6 jobs at 2 schools.
Q: How many jobs had Brent had?
A: 4 jobs at 4 companies.
Q: How many degrees do the Norwoods have?
A: 3 finished and 2 in progress.

If you're starting to think that the Norwoods are gypsies and/or want to wallpaper their living room with diplomas and tuition payments, then you would be correct! All kidding aside, we have never been happier because we know we are in the middle of God's will. The Lord has very clearly led us down this path, and we have found immense comfort, provision, and joy in His plan for us.

Weather you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying "This is the way; Walk in it!"
Isaiah 30:21

I used to plan where I would be in two years, five years, ten years... and guess what? I don't care about my plans anymore!!!! I want God's plans, and I can say that honestly now. In the last 8 months, I cannot tell you how many times I have been on my face on the floor begging for God's will, not mine, to be done. In the midst of uncertainty from every angle, I discovered the sweet comfort of God's sovereignty compared with the terrible stress of trying to do things on your own. Oh, how grateful I am that it's not about me. I am a terrible decision maker, so seeking God's will is the most joyful comfort I have found.

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
James 4:13-15

I can't WAIT to tell you all the details. many things to say!!!! We've been waiting for the right time to tell everyone, but now I don't even know where to start. To God be the glory for everything. In my next post I'll tell you all the ways the Lord has faithfully provided, led, and loved us. Praise Him!!

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is within us, to Him be glory!"
Ephesians 3:19-21

For now I need to brag on my husband for a moment. About a year ago, the Lord began to lead Brent towards returning to school. At the time, I was not, um, thrilled. One thing about Brent...when he gets something in his mind, HE WILL DO IT. So when he started talking about going back to school, I knew: We were moving.

God has blessed Brent with incredible work ethic and intellect. Brent is just REALLY good at what he does. He studied for the GMAT, aced it, applied to four business schools, wrote 20 different essays, and flew to interview at 5 schools. Brent kept saying he was not going to get into any of the schools he applied to. I respectfully disagreed. I knew we were going. Period.

God answered our prayers and was so faithful in both opening and closing doors. Brent got into not one but three of the top business schools in the country - Cornell, Duke, and the University of Michigan. Duke was our first choice and everything about it was blessed by God. I am so, so proud of my husband for his ambition, leadership, work ethic, intelligence, and faithfulness, and I can't wait to go on our new adventure!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay Katie!!! Congrats to you both! This is such an exciting time!

  3. What the WHAAA???? Girl, that is so fun. North Carolina seems like a GREAT spot for you. I can't wait to know more. :)

  4. I LOVE this post...thanks for sharing!! And believe me, I am with you on all the moves/states/jobs...I get it!! I am happy you guys are SO happy. Good luck and let me know if you need anything...surely we know someone in NC ;-)

  5. Wow!! That's so exciting!! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations to you guys! We embarked on a similar journey this time last year when Jason decided to go to law school. I hear North Carolina is beautiful and look forward to reading about your new adventures there!

  7. Wow Katie, so exciting! I love North Carolina and I think you will have a wonderful time there. I grew up spending time in the Outer Banks every summer. I am so happy for you guys and thrilled to hear about your journey. I know you are probably sad to leave your fun neighbors, wonderful school and so many friends in Houston and it is probably bittersweet. We are moving to San Francisco this summer so we will be starting over like you guys. :)

  8. You'll no longer be 20 1/2 hours away, you'll be 3 1/2 hours away! I'm loving it! :)

  9. Congrats on the move!! We love living life on the East Coast -- I'm sure you guys will love it too! :)


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