Friday, June 17, 2011

Turning a Page

Well since we've last spoken, I've been doing nothing at all.

...that is, if "nothing at all" includes:

- Wrapping up a school year
- Packing everything we own
- Hosting my parents for a "packing fest" weekend
- Closing on our Humble house
- Supervising everything we own being loaded into a 26' Penske truck
- Driving 23 hours over two days
- Staring at the back of a Penske truck for 23 hours while being followed by the in-laws
- Smuggling Blazer into a Marriott in Alabama only to sleep like 2 hours because he barked so much and stressed us out
- Supervising everything we own being unloaded into our new house
- Experiencing complete paralysis at the chaos and sheer amount of work to do
- Unpacking for two days straight stopping only to eat
- Showing the in-laws around town for a few days
- Shipping Brent off to NYC for a workshop
- Setting up our new house

You know... mostly nothing.

I've waited way too long to update you, so I'll give you the short version of the last few weeks in pictures :-)

Last day of school with some of my besties, Erin & Pears

My classroom, all packed up. Everything you see here was given away. Given to a good cause (other ELA teachers at my school) but still bittersweet. Brent pointed out that I've touched everything we own at least twice in the last week! Weird.

Empty cabinets!

By the time we were done, the boxes reached almost to the ceiling.

Mama, where we going?!
After 23 hours of driving... (no pictures were taken to protect the innocent)... you have the benefit of time travel directly to North Carolina!

Again, the boxes reached just about to the ceiling. Awesome. Overwhelming.

Um.... this is the dining room. Lovely, don't you think? Want to come over for dinner?
This is theoretically the living room.

And this is YOUR bedroom! The guest bedroom! Don't all volunteer at once to come visit.

Well I'll leave you in suspense for a little while longer, but rest assured, the mess has been tamed. All boxes have been unpacked and 90% of the house is set up. We are just waiting on the painter, and then I'll be able to put stuff up on the walls.

Since we unpacked so quickly, we were able to take my in-laws Vicky & Terry out on the town and show them the campus and the highlights of Durham.

Inside Duke Chapel:

Brent & I outside the chapel
Vicky & I outside Cameron Stadium... home of the famous Duke Blue Devil basketball team
Cooking the inaugural meal in the new house... spaghetti & meatballs
Our dreamy porch... I mean I am seriously in LOVE with this porch. It's big, shady, and breezy. And please... tell me those red Adirondack chairs are not to die for. Plus the side table to hold your wine.... duh.
And don't forget the super adorable hanging flower baskets! We picked out the flowers and everything. Move to North Carolina.......... Check!



  1. I'm a little scared of our move now! I bet it is so nice to be done and settled. Your new place looks so cute. :)

  2. Phew....I am amazed that you unpacked and set up so quickly!! WAY TO GO!!!! Can't wait to see the "after" pics of the new house :-)

  3. Congratulations! I'm proud of you Katie!

  4. Ahhhh - you are so far away and I miss you! HOWEVER, I think you may have miscommunicated about the "guest" bedroom. TECHNICALLY, that is MY room.... But, I am willing to share until I move to NC and into the Norwood house permanently.

  5. Congrats, Katie! Texas will miss you!
    (wish I had been in Houston to score some of that loot!)

  6. Katie- that house is SOOO cute- even with boxes all over! I'm sure you are making it PERFECT as we speak!! Congrats on the move by the way- so exciting!

  7. Katie, your house is adorable! I am so impressed by your super quick unpacking! Good luck in your new city and home!


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