Thursday, August 18, 2011

So-Good Soba

Rachel Ray has a bunch of recipes called "MYOTO" (Make Your Own Take-Out). I've tried a few, but I think I just made one that would give her a run for her money. I find myself making up a lot of recipes lately, and believe me... they do not always turn out good. In fact, sometimes I take pictures of the process with the intention of posting it for you, only to decide it's not good at ALL. However, yesterday I had an Asian food craving, and I made this soba noodle bowl. Whoa, mamacita!! It was good!! I'd say that this is one of the most tasty dishes I've made in a long while.

Katie's Shrimp & Veggie Noodle Bowl

You'll need the following ingredients. I just eyeballed enough for one portion. I didn't measure. I use terms like "splash" and "pinch". Sorry 'bout that. Consider it creative licence - you can put in however much you want!

- Cut up veggies: I used asparagus, shiitake mushrooms, and snow peas.
- Protein: I used small fresh shrimp.
- Soba noodles (buckwheat noodles - found on the international aisle at the grocery store)
- Olive oil
- Low sodium soy sauce
- Sesame oil
- Crushed red pepper

1. Heat up a bit of olive oil in a small skillet on medium high heat. Add asparagus and a dash of crushed red pepper. Saute 3-4 minutes.

2. Add in mushrooms. Saute for 1-2 minutes.
3. Add in snow peas. Add a pinch of salt. Saute for 3-5 minutes until all veggies are tender. About this time, boil the water for your soba noodles. When water boils, add soba noodles and cook for 4-5 minutes. Check package directions, and do not overcook.
4. Remove veggies to a bowl. Peel & devein shrimp. Season with salt & pepper. Throw in the same pan in which you cooked the veggies with a bit of olive oil.
5. In the last 30 seconds of cooking the shrimp, add a few splashes of soy sauce. This was a great addition that made the shrimp sizzle and taste like Benihana. Add cooked shrimp to reserved veggie bowl.
6. Drain soba noodles thoroughly and add to bowl. Add a splash of sesame oil (a little goes a long way) and a few splashes of soy sauce. Toss to combine.
7. Top with sliced green onions. Enjoy. Take my word for it - you will.


1 comment:

  1. Katie-
    I made this recipe last night and it was so good!! Would have loved to be part of Brent's study group. I bet they meet at your house more often.


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