Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall Bucket List!

I've been seeing a lot of "fall bucket lists" on Pinterest lately, and this idea had me at hello.  The fall bucket list combines three of my most favorite things in life:

1.  Planning
2.  Holidays

Check, check, and check!  I decided right then and there that I needed a fall bucket list of my very own.  Seeing as how fall starts tomorrow, I needed to get on it.  Yesterday I took a mental break from work to research & create my own list.  I have to say it was the most enjoyable 30 minutes I've spent in a while.  I am SO EXCITED about my list and can hardly wait to start checking things off! 

Katie's Fall Bucket List 2011:

I copied another blog I saw by printing out my list and putting it in a frame.  Now I can check things off using a dry erase marker as we do them!  It looks quite adorable on my kitchen counter if I do say so myself, and it reminds me all day of the fun things I have to look forward to.  (FYI - The list was approved by Brent before it was printed.  I'd recommend husband approval before committing to the cute list and frame.)

Here's a sneak peak of some things on my list that I'm most excited about:

Visiting the Biltmore in Asheville, NC:

Afternoon tea at the Carolina Inn:

Fire pit s'mores - I want a fire pit so badly for our back yard!  I like this one.
What's on YOUR fall bucket list?  You should make one and play along.



  1. OH, I am so doing this right now! I love your list BTW...and I love you! XOXO

  2. The Biltmore is GORGEOUS!!! I went there a few years back, AND there is a winery that we visited not far from Asheville:) Happy Autumn!!

  3. I have to say that we have a fire pit and LOVE it!! We have roasted s'mores a few times in the past couple of months! I would suggest this one though...

    Sorry for the long link!

  4. It makes me happy that most of your list has to do with food and beverages. I KNEW we were friends.

    You might want to read "Maid to Match" by Deeanne Gist before or while you travel to The Biltmore. It's set there and I love all her books. :)


  5. Thanks for your sweet comment! We are excited. Your fall bucket list looks amazing! Mine consists of trying to go for a walk everyday and making it to an Aggie are way more exciting!

  6. I LOVE your adorable list! I want to make one...maybe this weekend! Maybe we should add to our lists to try to get together this fall since we aren't so far apart! :)

  7. I totally just copied your idea and posted my fall bucket list on my blog, although there's nothing as sophisticated as The Biltmore on mine. Super jealous about that one! Please keep us posted as you check things off!

  8. Hi Katie,

    I love your fall bucket list! I'd love to make one for myself, too. I have a question...what did you use to design this?

    Thank you!

  9. Hey Amy! I'm glad you like it! The good news is that it's super low tech! I just used word to make this. I used colored font and colored boxes. I downloaded free fonts from 1001 Free Fonts and Sugar Frog Fonts. Then I made a PDF and opened it in Paint to save as a jpg and post to blog. I'm sure there's an easier way to do it without all those steps, but that's how I did it since I don't have any fancy programs.


Thank you for your comments! I treasure each one and appreciate your friendship!