Thursday, November 10, 2011

Everyday Friends

Life is funny sometimes in the sense that sometimes the best things come in places where you least expect them.  When Brent & I moved to Durham, I was worried about making friends.  We did not know one single person here, and it seemed overwhelming.  Also, being here for just two years, I thought it would be difficult to form deep friendships since everyone would be looking ahead and scattering in two years - moving again!  But I was wrong.  God has blessed me more than I could ask or imagine with friends here. 

The kind of friend I desire most is an "everyday friend" - a friend who you want to see everyday - a friend who you can hang out with to go for a walk, go shopping, get your nails done, or have lunch.  To be honest, it was hard to find those kinds of friends in Houston.  I had tons of friends at work. YES Prep is a super fun place!  But we saw each other for 10+ hours every day, and I was so exhausted when I got home, I didn't really want to hang out outside of school.  Also, living way out in the suburbs precluded us from being "everyday friends" with people in our church or people who lived in central Houston.  I just found myself longing for what I had in college - living in the same house with "everyday friends" and never being without a bestie for more than 5 minutes. 

Fast forward to April 2011.  New Duke students and their families descended on campus for "Blue Devil Weekend" - kind of a new student orientation.  While Brent went to sessions for students, I went to sessions for "partners" (wives, husbands, fiancees of students).  In the first session I attended, I sat next to Maggie, a girl who seemed pretty nice!  Oh, I'm so grateful to God that he orchestrated our seating that day and had us meet.  I friended her on Facebook and kept up with her that way last Spring.   When we moved to Durham in July, I asked her if she wanted to have lunch.  I assured her I wasn't a stalker, and I hoped she remembered me from Blue Devil weekend. 

Fast forward to today.  I feel like I've known Maggie forever!  She is a true woman of God and a wonderful friend - a true "everyday friend"!  While I would be grateful to just have Maggie as a friend, God has blessed me with SO MANY everyday friends here - I'm so grateful for Kristi, Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay (Yes, three Lindsays), Mary Elizabeth, and Patty.  So grateful!

Miss Maggie is having her first baby in January, and I can't wait to meet sweet Campbell.  You can read about Maggie and her family on her cute blog:  Supermom With Southern Charm.  You'll notice her adorable "banner" design.  I was inspired by her blog to create a theme for a baby shower I'm hosting for her.  The theme is going to be "banners", and I won't tell you the details, but I have a ton of fun ideas ready to go for her shower.  I'll do a post on it later!  For now I'll give you a sneak peek of the invitations I made this week.  I can't think of a better way to honor my first "everyday friend" here in Durham.  Love ya Maggie!


  1. So cute and so thankful for you! I cannot wait for the shower :)

  2. Way cute invites! I am happy you have found such a wonderful friend. Makes me miss my everyday friend too. I might have teared up reading this (hehe...I blame the PP hormones..)

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the shower theme!!!!! Too cute....I just may have to copy that one day! :)

  4. What a precious theme! Love the use of the verse! So glad God has blessed you with precious friends to share life with. XO


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