Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Cookie Roundup

This afternoon, Brent left for Houston to visit some companies and see his family.  I wanted to send him off with Christmas treats for his mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law, so I devoted early this morning to baking!  I am not a huge baker, so this was an accomplishment for me.  I decided to choose one cookie I've had every year since I was five and three new ones.  I don't really have a sweet tooth, so whenever I bake something, I usually end up giving most of it away.  Sometimes it satisfies me to just bake something, and I've been known not to eat any!  Weird, I know.  This round was pretty good, though, so I sent all the "pretty" cookies to Houston with strict instructions for Brent to protect them on the plane (here's hoping), and I'll happily munch on the leftovers here at home! 

Peanut-Butter-Stuffed Ginger Cookies  from Rachel Ray (recipe here)

Cherry Shortbread Cookies  from Rachael Ray (recipe here)
Chocolate Peanut Butter Ritz Sandwiches from "Spoon Fork Bacon" (recipe here)
Candy Cane Cookies  from my MAMA via Betty Crocker (Recipe here - seriously, the best cookies EVER.  They have Crisco in them.  You won't regret it.  And no, mine don't look like the Betty Crocker picture.  Mine are rustic.)
What are you baking this season?  And if I go on another baking spree, who will eat what I make?


  1. and we choose to be gone this week...grr. I have a feeling I might have been able to sample some! Glad they turned out so well - the candy cane ones look fabulous! Thinking about you this week - have fun in Dallas!

  2. I don't have a big sweet tooth either, but it just doesn't seem like Christmas without some holiday baking! Our cookie tradition is Snowballs ( Surely the calories melt away just like the name implies!


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