Thursday, February 23, 2012


I live a double life.  Most of my life is in Durham, but a large chunk of my life remains in Houston.  I've been traveling to Houston at least one week every month, sometimes more.  This is a busy time, and in four weeks, I've been in Houston 15 days.  While I miss Durham, Brent, and Blazer tons while I'm traveling, I do enjoy getting to see my friends and eat the food I miss like crazy.  Oh yeah, and I love my job too!  Houston weeks are always crazy-busy, so I never post while I'm here.  However, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into my everyday Houston life with the instagrams I've taken over my last two weeks here.

{dinner with katy b, my very first friend... we've been friends since we were 3, and I got to go over to her house since she moved to houston recently!  it was good to catch up.}
{katy's son, mason.  i mean, adorable.}
{as seen on food network:  queso fundido at the original ninfa's.  worth every calorie.}
{afternoon treat at crave cupcakes}
{nerd alert:  evening educator's forum at the museum of fine art - how to incorporate art into curriculum}
{taking my sweet nephew luke for a walk}
{adorable 6th graders reading the outsiders}
{love this classroom}
{weekly to-do list}
{dinner at tiny's no. 5 with erica.  beautiful weather.  serene atmosphere.}
{another shot at tiny's.  i heart that place big time.}
{the approximate speed at which one normally drives in Houston.  this is not an exaggeration, and this was an actual shot of my speedometer on the way to work.  i was going 2 mph people - it was safe to take a pic.  and check facebook.  and troll pinterest.}
{jason, jessica, & ixa - kids i taught in 7th grade all grown up and super smart in 10th grade now}
{student annotation of "the telltale heart"}
{best tex-mex IN THE ENTIRE WORLD:  lupe tortilla}
{the thursday night lupe's crew: besties}
From H-town with love,

1 comment:

  1. KATIE! So funny you beat me to it! I was going to leave a comment telling you I had nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award but you saw first :) Made me smile!
    When were you down in Houston? Looks like you hit up all the best spots! Ninfas on Navigation, Crave, Lupe, Tinys! YUM!
    Isn't Tinys #5 amazing! I still love the original but this one is actually closer to my house and is bigger (aka faster to sit down!)
    Hope all is well with you!


Thank you for your comments! I treasure each one and appreciate your friendship!