Sunday, March 25, 2012

Easy Eataly

This past summer, Brent and I discovered Mario Batali's "Eataly" in New York City.  We had a fabulous dinner there.  Brent got a pasta dish that was so good, we are still talking about it.   The odd thing is that it was just about the most simple, basic pasta dish EVER.  It was amazingly well-executed with high quality ingredients.  It was a penne pasta with marinara, fresh mozzarella, and fresh basil.  There was something about the sweet marinara, creamy mozzarella that got kind of melty, and fresh, fragrant basil that was simple perfection.  It's a meatless main dish, and I'm kind of embarrassed about how easy it is.  This is one of our go-to meals when we are feeling kind of lazy but still want something good.  Now, I'm quite sure Mario whips up his marinara sauce from scratch, but I find Newman's Own jarred sauce saves me approximately 3 hours.  Last night was stormy here in Durham, and this was the perfect dinner to eat curled up on the couch watching DVR-ed "Selling New York".  Add a bowl of salad and some garlic bread, and you've got a meal.  Try it this week!
Easy Eataly Pasta
Good penne rigate
Good jarred marinara (we like Newman's Own)
FRESH mozzarella cut into small chunks
FRESH basil cut into thin strips
Optional:  Crushed red pepper flakes and fresh Parmesan

Boil your penne according to directions on box.  While pasta is cooking, cut up your mozzarella and basil.  Drink wine.  Drain in colander & return pasta to pan.  Pour in marinara sauce and cook on low for just a few minutes - you really want the sauce to warm up and soak in.  Serve pasta in bowls and let each person add as much mozzarella, basil, red pepper flakes, and/or Parmesan they desire.  Stir it all up, let the mozzarella get all warm and melty, and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Done. This is going on my menu for the week. Thanks, Katie!


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