Friday, April 13, 2012

Brent Joins the 30 Club

Last week, my wonderful husband had a birthday and joined the 30 club!  It was great to have Brent's parents in town to celebrate with us!  I was out of town for work on his actual birthday, so I wanted to do something special that he would be able to enjoy even when I wasn't there. I saw an idea on Pinterest (of course) of mailing out cards to family and friends and asking them to write a note or memory or well wishes and send the card back to the birthday boy (or girl).  I decided that 30 was a perfect milestone birthday to do this.  So, without Brent knowing, I sent out 30 postcards already stamped and addressed to Brent's closest 30 family and friends.  I asked them to write a note and mail it back for his birthday.

It worked perfectly!!  Look at all these sweet cards Brent received over the weeks surrounding his birthday.  Many of them brought me to tears because they were so sweet, kind, and funny. 

Here's a shot of what the front of the cards looked like and the back.  I just printed them on my ink jet printer!  I also included a short letter with directions.  We're going to put them all in a little book for Brent to keep and read forever!
To continue the celebration this weekend, when Brent's parents were in town, they were kind enough to take us out to our favorite restaurant in Durham (and possibly our favorite restaurant of all time) Magnolia Grill.  Magnolia specializes in gourmet southern food.  It was a great way to celebrate Brent's 30th.  Here's what we ordered!  Sorry if you are hungry after reading this... I know I am!

Magnolia has the best martinis.  I don't know what their secret is, but we love them.
Shared appetizer #1:  We get this EVERY time, and it's the only thing on the menu that never goes away.  Grits souffle with fois gras and wild mushroom ragout.  Best.appetizer.ever.
Vicky's appetizer:  Spring carrot bisque with beets, chicken confit, and beef tartare
Shared appetizer #2:  Cornmeal fried oysters with remoulade sauce.   Divine.
I ordered the steelhead trout with pesto sauce, grits, and southern beans.  Every bite at Magnolia Grill is like a taste explosion in your mouth.
Brent ordered the short ribs - incredibly tender meat drenched in a wonderful savory sauce.
For dessert, Vicky ordered candied grapefruit waffles with salted caramel ice cream.  Words can't describe how amazing this was.  I may have had one or ten bites of this.  Notice how Vicky's spoon is already in the dessert in this picture.  Brent ordered a blue cheese cheesecake (pictured at the top of the post) which was equally unique and delicious and came with a birthday candle.
Happy 30th Brent!  Love you!


  1. oh. my. lanta. that looks AMAZING! And what a great job you did with the b-day present!!! So cute and sweet and a great memory! Wife of the month. :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Brent! Dinner looks amazing!!!!

  3. That postcard gift is the sweetest thing I think I've ever seen in my life! You are amazing!


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