Sunday, May 20, 2012

Family Time

This weekend I went to Virginia to celebrate my sister's graduation from the University of Virginia with her PhD!  Although I wasn't able to stay for the actual graduation, I did have a great time hanging out with Julia, her husband Darrell, my parents, and my grandad.  Brent wasn't able to come since he has been in China for the last 16 days.  He got home last night!  Here are some pics from our weekend.

My dad recently turned the big 6-0, so we used this time together as an opportunity to celebrate properly.  Here's my dad with his "birthday boy" ribbon we kindly requested him to wear.

Darrell and Julia cooked up a DELICIOUS spread of food for dinner - fried venison, grilled veggies, baked potatoes, and grilled corn on the cob! 

Grandad drove all the way from Georgia for the occassion.

We wanted to do something special for dad's birthday dessert.  We decided to make mini versions of all of his favorites.  We had mini key lime tarts, mini upside-down peach cakes, and mini apple pies.  They were a hit!  I made the tarts & the cakes, but the kind people at Whole Foods made the pies :-)

On Saturday, we visited Montpelier, the home of James Madison.  It was fun to visit the house & grounds since we visited Monticello in the fall.  The weather could not have been more BEAUTIFUL.  It was a perfect day.

To round out the day, we visited two great vineyards for wine tastings. 

It was a picture perfect Virginia weekend, and my sister is now officially graduated and off to her first job! :-) She's going to be a biology professor at a nearby college!  Hope you had a great weekend too!


  1. So fun! Gotta love Lemmon family celebrations! Always full of fabulous food because you are all Martha Crockers. Love ya!

  2. Salsa, it was so fun having you up here this weekend - two weekends together in a row make my heart happy!! :) OH - and I'm still enjoying the leftover key lime tarts. sooo gooooood


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