Friday, June 8, 2012

Mom Therapy

After a few stressful weeks of wrapping up the school year and moving to Illinois for the summer, I was in need of some TLC, and no one can comfort you quite like mom.  I had to go to Houston for a meeting, so since I was already in Texas, I made a quick trip to Dallas to see my parents.  I was only there for a little over 24 hours, but it was so nice.  I may have cried a few tears at the airport going back to Illinois, but only because my mom and I had so much fun.

On Wednesday, she picked me up at the airport and whisked me to Wisteria to browse home decor.  Then we shopped at Northpark, hitting up all the best stores.  I'm so jealous that they have an H&M there!  We found some great stuff in the Anthropologie sale section, and my mom bought me treats with her ridiculous Northpark gift cards (perk of being a Kindergarten teacher in a nice neighborhood - she gets tons of gifts!)  Here is my mom modeling some sunglasses at H&M and my Northpark purchases - a dress, a top, a skirt, and a bracelet.

Next, we ate lunch at La Duni, one of my Dallas faves.  After we we had shopped the whole mall, we headed to Sonic for happy hour and picked up two diet cherry limeades.

Limeades in hand, we headed over to Richardson for our spa pedicures!  I know, my mom is great.  We got the same color on our toes.  Obviously. 

We then had a nice evening at home with my dad.  Mom & I made a Greek cous-cous salad while my dad grilled salmon.  We even Facetimed with Brent so he could tell us about his first few days on the job.  I went to bed early after our day-o-fun. 

Thursday morning, we went to Target and then met my dad for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants ever - Campisi's.  It's this great, old-fashioned Italian restaurant that looks like it's run by the mob.  It's been open in Dallas and run by the same family since 1945.  It's super dark inside and lit by candles, and there is a jukebox at every table.  We always get the salad and salami pizza which tastes the same as it did when I was growing up.  After lunch, sadly, I had to go to the airport, but I can tell you from experience - Mom therapy will cure whatever ails you!

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