Friday, July 13, 2012

NYC Girls Weekend {Part I}

Hello friends!  I'm still here, I promise!  Thank you for all of your kind comments about Baby N - we are so excited!  I haven't had much time to think about baby since the day after I posted, I flew off to NYC (at 3am... ugh) for my last two weeks of grad school! While I am full of joy to be *almost* done, it has been a crazy few weeks, and next week is only going to get crazier since I have to write a 100 page thesis.  Don't worry... I already have all the research and data, I just need to put it all together and actually write it. Yeah... better get on that.

Before I moved into the dorm this year and hit the books, I spent a weekend in NYC with my mom and sister - a trip I've been dreaming of for years.  It's never seemed to work, but this year, it magically came to fruition.  We had a great time, and it was all that I had imagined.

Funny story... on the last day, my mom was getting sad and sentimental, and she said, "Girls, I'm going to remember these memories FOREVER."  Five minutes later at the hotel, she said, "Can you help me write down what we did to tell dad?  I can't even remember!"  haha... it was a whirlwind, I'll give her that.  Hope this jogs your memory, mom!  Between the three of us, we took a ridiculous amount of pictures, so I'm going to split this into two posts.  We did a lot of walking (mom was a trooper), a lot of sightseeing (I even saw a few things I hadn't seen before!), and a lot of eating (um - have you met me?)

We each arrived at different times.  The airline lost my suitcase, took 24 hours to deliver it, and then 7 items were mysteriously missing when I got it back.  Do you REALLY want my maternity shorts, worker at United Airlines?  Really?!  My kind sister lent me a skirt, and we headed out to Eataly, one of my NYC faves of all time, for our first dinner.  You can read about my last visit here.  I still stand by my description that it's Disney World for foodies.

We sat at the antipasti bar for a drink and appetizer.  Yay sparkling water.

Our "spedino" appetizer: shrimp, figs, bacon, and arugula.  Heaven!
We ate our dinner at the pizza & pasta restaurant inside Eataly.  I got the short ribs tagliatelle, and it was savory and ridiculously delicious.
We grabbed breakfast at Europa Cafe and headed on a Central Park expedition.  Along the way, we stopped at the Plaza Hotel.  We have quite a history of the Plaza in our family, as Eloise was a book we grew up with and I especially loved!

After the Plaza, we walked all around Central Park.  Look at my mom... doesn't she look like a New Yorker?

From Central Park, we headed to Shake Shack for lunch.
After lunch, we had a studio tour scheduled at NBC Rockefeller Center.

Mom also tried on hats at H&M :-)

For dinner, we went to La Boite en Bois on the Upper West Side (shout out to K-Rog!)
Since we were near Lincoln Center, we headed on over to see what we could see.  They were having "A Midsummer Night Swing" - an outdoor concert and dance.  

It's safe to say we slept well that night!  I'll post more about days 3 & 4 later!  For now... a paper to write for this week's class.  


  1. Love the pics, Katie! Good luck on the thesis. Remember, it's easier to edit than create, so just start getting your thoughts out there. The rest will come. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Katie, thanks so much for being a guest of Shake Shack. Hope you've been having an awesome time in the city, and our team can't wait to see you again soon at the Shack!

    -Brandy, Shake Shack

  4. Shout out! Looks like an amazing trip, as always. I'm going to have you start planning my trips back! And your comment from the Shake Shack - you've made it big! :)


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