Thursday, August 16, 2012

Flatbread Fanatic

Confession:  I've had pizza for lunch for three days in a row.  I can't help it!  I've been craving tomato sauce and cheese (ie: pizza), and I found the PERFECT make-at-home flatbread pizza!  Since I've made it three times this week, I thought it was good enough to share with you.
Last week, I purchased these "flat out" multi-grain flatbreads from the grocery to make asian chicken wraps (also very good... maybe I'll post that later).  The nice people at the flatbread company had a little message for me on the package:  Makes amazing pizzas!  Well, I had never thought about using a flatbread for a pizza crust before, but I do LOVE thin crust pizza.  The thinner, the better!  So I decided to try it.  Plus, can you see how many calories a flatbread has?  100!!!  I know - it's like some kind of bakery sorcery.  But it's true.  You show me another pizza crust that has only 100 calories.

These flatbread pizzas are perfect for lunch because they are individually portioned and endlessly adaptable.  This would be really fun with kids since they could each make their own and pick their toppings.

First, crisp up the flatbread in the oven.  I used a pizza pan and a 400 degree oven.  I let it crisp up for about 4 minutes, turning once.  When it was nice and crisp, but not burned (duh), I put on the tomato sauce and Italian cheese blend.  You know how to make a pizza, right?  I prefer for my toppings to go all they way to the edge since a flatbread isn't really a crust.  Besides, be warned that any exposed flatbread will get very crispy (read: burnt) when you cook & broil it.  Just another reason to add more toppings :-)  I add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and oregano at this point, just for funsies.

Next, top it off however you want.  I personally think thinly sliced mushrooms and thinly sliced salami (a la Campisi's) is ridiculously delicious, but you can obviously put whatever you want on your pizza... even if it isn't as good as mine.

Pop it back in the oven at 400 for another 4 minutes or so - until everything is all melty.

Then, (and this is key!) turn on the broiler and broil that baby up for just a minute or so.  This will give you the browned cheese and crispy toppings I crave.  Watch the pizza the entire time it's under the broiler.  I would cry for you if you burned it.

Take the pizza out, slice it into rectangular slices (again, a la Campisi's) and devour.  So.  So.  Good.


  1. BTW, this pizza looks so good. I LOVE pizza. And I had never thought to use a flatbread from the grocery store as the crust... normally, I just struggle to make the dough, and then it doesn't turn out right, and then I get discouraged. I'm going to look for these or something similar on Sunday when I make my grocery run. My pizza of choice is Canadian bacon and pineapple though. :)

  2. Hello,

    I happened upon your blog by way of another blog. We just moved to Durham from Kentucky for my husband to attend divinity school at Duke, and I have been trying to get a bead on the town by way of area bloggers. We are on the lookout for a church in the area, and it seems like you really like yours. Also, in Ky I worked as an English teacher, and I on the look out for a book club. From the look of your blog it seems like you might have some good ideas for both of these things. I am sorry for the impersonal comment, but I didn't see an email address to send it through. Any advice about the area would be appreciated. Thanks so much!


  3. Hey Mindy! Welcome to Durham! You will love it - it's pretty much my favorite place ever! I'd love to chat with you about churches. We go to Summit Church ( and we LOVE it. You're welcome to come with us any time. I'm not currently in a book club in Durham since I read so many books with my teachers through my job. Finally, I have a long list of excellent restaurants you can try in Durham that I can email you. You prompted me to put an email address on my blog... so send me an email so I can have your email address too. You can email me at Hope to hear from you soon!

  4. Salsa, I tried this tonight and it was really good and super simple! (I didn't tell Darrell he was eating healthy bread - that would have not gone over well! Haha) I did put the oven on 375 instead of 400 and there was no burning. You just have to cook it longer, that's all. I know Baby Norwood gets hungry and wants to eat right away, so maybe you could turn it down to 385... ;) Thanks for the dinner idea!


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