Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's A...

We are thrilled beyond belief to know that little Baby N is a girl in there!!!  First and foremost, we are grateful to God for a completely healthy baby so far!  We had our big doctor's appointment yesterday, and all is well with Baby N.  SHE is growing just perfectly.  My sweet, sweet husband came up with this precious plan for us to find out the gender.  We enjoyed the sonogram looking at her little hands, feet, spine, and heart, and then we had the nurse write the gender for us on a card we brought and seal it in an envelope.  Brent made reservations at a super nice restaurant here in Durham, Revolution.  We got all dressed up and went on our date.  It was so fun, and such a treat for a random Wednesday!  The restaurant was great, and we had a cozy little corner table.  Brent had the card in his shirt pocket - it was so cute.  After we ordered our dinner but before the food came, he pulled it out and opened it.  He wanted to be the one to tell me... so sweet.  He kept the card open in front of his face for like 45 seconds so I couldn't see the card OR his reaction, but he finally let me see.  We really did not have any inclination or preference one way or the other, so we were just so happy!  I started crying and made Brent come over to my side of the table and hug me.  We enjoyed a lovely dinner together and even started throwing out names.  It's so crazy and fun to know!!

And we can't forget the food...

Such a fun night!  Can't wait to start picking names and of course SHOPPING!  Bring on the pink and the monograms!


  1. Congrats!! Girls are SO fun! I'm so excited for you!

  2. Congrats! Can't wait to see what precious name y'all pick :)

  3. A date to remember for sure! What a fun way to find out the gender!! You're going to be the BEST mom!

  4. Congrats Norwoods! You're going to be the best parents there are. :)

  5. Congrats!!! Have so much fun getting ready for this precious baby girl!!

  6. Congrats Katie!!! So exciting to have a little girl! And I love the way you found out- I may have to steal your idea! We find out in two weeks and I can't wait!

  7. I can't believe I didn't see this post! You made my cry! That is how we found out Caroline was a girl. SO special! You are going to be such an amazing mama. Baby Girl Norwood is so blessed.

    PPL ♥


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