Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mama Date

While we were in Dallas over Thanksgiving, I got to spend a whole day with my mom on a little date, which was wonderful!  My dad, sister, and brother-in-law went out to Lake Texoma for the day, and Brent went to Plano to see a high school friend.  That left mom & I to go to an amazing lunch at Campisi's (LOVE that place) and then out to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Dallas Arboretum.  Bless her heart... she had already seen it five times (they have a membership), but she was willing to go one more time with me.  The weather was beautiful (although a tad warm for my taste), and the arboretum was beautiful with all of the fall decorations and the Chihuly glass.  It was truly breathtaking how amazing these art pieces were.  They were way more impressive than I thought they would be, and there were way more of them then I thought there would be.  They were everywhere!  Next time we visit the Arboretum, we'll have a cute baby girl in tow!
(Mom insisted I get a picture in front of this door because this is where I took my bridal portraits 8 years ago!  I'm a little bigger these days...)
Love you, mom!  Thanks for the date!


  1. LOVE! Y'all are so cute. I didn't think Chihuly was still there at Thanksgiving! Jealous. I wanted to see it so bad!

  2. OOOOH! Just googled and saw it was extended through Dec 31! I'm going for sure! :)

  3. So much fun!! I'm so glad you got to see the Chihuly exhibit while you were in town. It is just gorgeous!! I loved, loved that big yellow one that you're standing in front of in the last collage. I went at night and the moon was set just above it and it was breathtaking!


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