Monday, April 29, 2013

On the Road Again...

The Nomadic Norwoods are on the move again!  
This time, we're loadin' up the ole tractor and moving to Bettendorf, Iowa!

To help prepare you for our move, I'm going to answer some frequently asked questions.

Q:  What does Bettendorf, Iowa look like?
A:  This.

Q:  What do the people in Bettendorf, Iowa look like?  
A:  Here's a sneak peek of what our family will look like in a few years. 

Q:  Where the heck is Bettendorf, Iowa?  
A:  Here's a visual aid.  Bettendorf is part of the "Quad Cities".

Q:  Haven't you moved like one million times?  
A:  Yes.  Here are the stats.

Years of Marriage:  8
Academic Degrees:  5
Cities Lived In:  4
Homes Lived In:  6
Companies Worked For:  7
Job Titles:  10

Q:  Are y'all ever going to settle down and just live in one place?
A:  Probably not.

Q:  What is Brent going to do in Iowa?
A:  This.

{just kidding.  Brent is going to be a Project Manager for John Deere managing the development of a new product!}

Q:  What is Katie going to do in Iowa?
A:  I'm transitioning out of my current role with YES Prep.  I'm going to take care of Ava and work from home part time for YES Prep doing project work, communication, and logistics.

Q:  Where are you going to live in Bettendorf?
A:  When Ava was 10 weeks old, Brent flew to Iowa and looked at 12 houses in one day.  I had to stay home with Ava because, well, do YOU want to take a 10 week old on a cross-country house-hunting trip?  Didn't think so.  Brent picked out a house for us and bought it.  I haven't actually seen it.  That's how we roll.  I hear it's lovely.  :-)  Yeah, that's snow.

Q:  When are you moving?
A:  Thursday.
{Yep, Thursday.  You can pray for us!  I'm choosing not to think about the 1.5 million details that have to fall into place to move us, Ava, Blazer, all our stuff, two cars, and a partridge in a pear tree across the country.  Denial is the best policy.}

Q:  What are you excited about and not excited about when you think about moving to Iowa?

Not Excited About:
Moving a newborn across the country
Living 4 days in an empty house in Iowa while we wait for our things to be delivered
Missing all the amazing restaurants and fun places in Durham
Missing our friends and neighbors in Durham
Digging out of snowdrifts daily

Excited About:
Fresh corn all the time
Awesome, new, bigger house
Decorating a new house
Small town living - no traffic and no stress
Finding a new church and getting involved
Making new friends 
Going to Chicago to buy anything (see.. I could have made that a negative, but I'm thinking positive)
Exploring the surrounding areas

So that's it, folks!  If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the comments section.  Here's to a new adventure in America's heartland!


  1. I love this post! And I can't believe you're so close to Chicago. That is definitely a plus! Your new house looks so cozy. I really can't wait to see how you decorate. :)

  2. Wow Katie!! I am excited for y'all and can't wait to see what is in store for you guys! Lots of prayers for y'all in your move.

  3. So exciting!! Looking forward to reading about your new adventures.

  4. This is an amazing post! I miss you guys already. Team Hammer can't wait to visit the Norwoods. <3

  5. So exciting! Your new house looks super cute. I know you'll have it decorated adorably in no time at all. Best of luck with the big move!


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