Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Springtime Family Pictures

Spring has arrived in North Carolina! It's beautiful here, and all the trees are in bloom. On Friday night, Ava and I went to an event at the Fuqua School of Business on the Duke campus (where Brent has spent the last two years), and I saw a family taking pictures out front with the trees. Of course I knew that I needed to have some family pics there, too! On Sunday, we loaded up the SUV with the whole family including Blazer. Our friend Elvis met us on campus and took some amazing pictures of all of us! (By the way, these were all taken with an iPhone!  At the risk of sounding like I'm ninety-five... Isn't technology amazing?!)  We caught the blossoms right before they all fell off. Since we're about to move (more on that soon), these pictures will be a nice keepsake from our time here in Durham at Duke. It's been the best two years of my life so far, hands down.

Thank you, Elvis!!


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