Sunday, May 19, 2013

Durham Bucket List

Things have been crazy, but we are settling into our new home in Iowa!  More to come on that soon, but for now I wanted to share a bit about our last weeks in Durham.  Although Iowa is growing on me, I really miss Durham already!   I miss the beautiful surroundings, great restaurants, and our friends.  Before leaving, we had a little "bucket list" of things we wanted to do.  Little Miss Ava thwarted a few of our plans, but we did get to cross a few things off and make some great memories before moving away.  Here were some of our bucket list adventures!

{Lunch at Nana Taco and shopping at Southpoint}

{An afternoon at the Durham Museum of Life and Science with our friends from church, Joana and Isaac}

{At the museum riding the train and seeing the animals}

{Walking the Duke East Campus loop}

{Fuqua Friday happy hour - saw my Pi Phi friend Angela who was in town!}

{Walking the Duke campus and taking pictures}

{A weekend with Aunt Julia}

{A going away party with our small group - Mary Elizabeth gave Ava a John Deere phone toy!}

{Kristen and Lori from our small group loving on Ava}

{Visiting the Duke Gardens}

{Last date night at Rue Cler.... our fave!!!}

We miss you, Durham, but we'll be back!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to leave a city! Duke looks so pretty. It's funny how you get attached to your own university, and then you seen another and think, hey, I could have been happy there, too. :)


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