Saturday, September 7, 2013

Calendar Girl

About a month ago, my parents and sister Julia came to Iowa to visit.  Julia and I had a few days to ourselves after my parents returned home, and Julia wanted to take some pictures of Ava since she brought her good camera.  In true Lemmon sister style, "a few shots" turned into a full-out two-day photo shoot extravaganza!  I will give Julia total credit for the idea of taking themed pictures of Ava to make a calendar.  From there, we went absolutely crazy planning backdrops, props, and wardrobe.  

It was the most fun thing I've done in a really long time.  As soon as Ava woke up from a nap, we would race to get her dressed, get props, and get pictures taken.  We were running up and down the stairs, outside and inside, ransacking the holiday decoration boxes, and throwing clothes and headbands all over Ava's room.  Ava was like a professional model.  I could not get over it - hilarious!  She was smiling and posing so much we could not stop laughing.  She was having the time of her life since she was being entertained, and she was the center of attention!  What resulted are some of my favorite pictures of Ava of all time.  I just can't believe how ridiculously awesome they are.  We made calendars with the pics and gave them to our families, but I wanted to share them here with you.  Thanks, Aunt Julia!!  I think you missed your calling as a baby photographer!

I mean... y'all... she looks like a yell leader doing yells!!  Be still my Aggie heart!!

I'm pretty sure the neighbors thought we were insane taking pumpkin pictures on the porch in August.

Ava was really hamming it up for this one.  I kept saying "Work it!" and she would change her pose!







Favorite.Pics.Ever.  Look at those arm rolls!!



It wouldn't be a photo shoot without a few outtakes, so here are some that didn't make the cut...

This was our original plan for the January photo.  Major FAIL!  Haha so awful!!

Ava says, "I'm officially over this activity.  What else you got?"  (and a photo bomb by Blazer)

She wanted formula in her dressing room, and we only had breast milk.  Diva.

And lastly... the photographer's assistant and lighting director.  Hey, it was a low budget operation.


  1. These are so awesome! I'm laughing so hard at the outakes! I think the Ava calendar needs to become an annual tradition.

  2. I love it! Julia had mentioned how much fun she had with the photo shoots. I am so glad to see the results. You all are just precious! :)

  3. Oh my goodness!!! These are adorable!!!

  4. This is such a great idea! I will definitely have to try this with Norah. Also, I think this would be so much fun with a little girl; she could pick out the clothes, props, etc. I know I would have loved doing something like that! Thanks for posting!

  5. So stinkin' cute! I thought December #3 was my favorite, and then January was my favorite. But August #2 totally stole my heart. I love this idea. :)

  6. The pictures practically took themselves with that cute little munchkin! I love the caption above the diva picture. Priceless. So much fun, Salsa!

  7. BACARDI!! I am DYING over these! First of all, laughing. I'm dying over January basically in a snow suit. HA! But truly these photos are so wonderful and such a fun idea! You know I do photoshoots with my munchkins all the time and I'm literally dripping with sweat at the end. It is so hard! haha. Not to mention trying to get two to sit up, smile, look at the same time no less. Iy-yi-yi.

    I am going to have to do this! You've made me want to :)

    Also, what a fun sister activity. I can just see you and Julia running around like mad women. LOVE IT!! XOXO


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