Monday, December 2, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is decorating the day after Thanksgiving.  This year I was tempted to put the decorations up early, but I held out, and we kept our day-after tradition.  Brent kept asking if I was in my happy place, and I definitely was.  We had our favorite Christmas Pandora station playing, and Ava loved it! She has started "dancing" when music comes on, and it's pretty adorable.  She also loved us dancing around and acting silly.  So far, she has done well keeping away from the tree.  We hold her and let her look at it, but we try not to let her go over to it or try to pull up on it.  I also didn't put any ornaments on the very bottom of the tree.  One of these days I'll do a more proper house tour, but here is most of our Christmas decor!  It puts a spring in my step to see the tree lit all day!


  1. So pretty! I just caught up on all your posts, and I must say I've been entertained on your blog for a good 20 minutes now. I want to make that Advent calendar! But you're right about those being more fun with kids. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Love seeing your house! Need to do a full tour ... you always have such great taste in decorating!

  3. Your house and Christmas decorations are adorable! Can't wait for the full house tour!!


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