Monday, February 24, 2014

Gone to Texas

{Ava would like to tell you about her trip to Dallas to visit Winnie & Papa C last week.  She insisted that we include a million pictures because she looks so cute in all of them.  She's such a diva ;-)}

I'm going to Texas on an AIRPLANE?!  I need to fuel up with fistfuls of cheerios.

Mama kept me busy with new toys, lots of snacks, and even an episode of Dora with my sweet new pink headphones.  The nice people at American gave us the only empty seat on the plane!

The first night, we celebrated Winnie's birthday with my great-Grammy, great-Grampy, and great-Aunt Robyn.  Grampy loved lying on the floor and pulling my toys.  Grammy showed me how to play the piano!  I think I'm pretty much ready for my first recital.

I told Mama that we should both wear our sparkle shoes for the occasion.  She agreed.

I gave Winnie a book for her birthday that I made all by myself with a little help from Mom.

Papa C grilled steaks for dinner, and he took the task seriously.  The next morning, I played a few rounds of peek-a-boo.

We went to the park every day, and I didn't even have to wear a coat!!  It was crazy!  I held Winnie's hand from my new carseat.

What is this?  Grass?  Where is the snow?  No other kids wore snow boots to the park like I did, though, so Mama had to go to Target later and buy me new shoes to match the other Texas kids.  They were a lot better than snow boots for the 77 degree weather. 

I spotted these fountains right away, and I knew I had to convince my mom to let me play.

I won. I always do!

I rode on a swing once, but I was only like 8 months old, and it was so cold outside, I didn't like it very much.  But swinging in Texas is AWESOME!  We played on swings every day, and I laughed and screamed every time.  All the other kids kept looking at me funny like I had never been on a swing before!

Mama took me to her favorite place to get pizza - Campisis!  I really preferred my grapes, cheese, and oranges, though.  The next day, I did a little reading on my way to the mall.

I waved to the ducks at NorthPark and shopped at all of mama's favorite stores.  It was boring, so I tried to entertain people in the stores as best I could by crawling under the dressing room walls.  I wonder why people acted so surprised?!

Winnie & mama fed me lots of good meals to keep my energy up.  Don't worry, I helped cook, too.

Everyone knows my mom loves eating out, so we had so many fun lunches.  My favorite was eating Tex-Mex outside on a patio!  I've certainly never done THAT before!  I think I could get used to quesadillas everyday in the sunshine.

One day, we got to see my mama's college roommate and her two kids!  They were so much fun to play with at the park!  We also saw chickens and got to touch them!

That same day, my mom took me to this awesome place called Gymboree, which I've never heard of because we don't have it in the country.  I got to sing songs, climb on things, play, do dances, and hang out with other kids.  I wasn't too sure I would like it at first, but it was actually pretty fun.

The last day, we went to the Perot Muesum and played on more fun stuff.  It's like this whole trip was planned around me or something...

I let mom ride in the truck with me.

I put on a little show for everyone free of charge.


I'm pretty sure mama's getting me a water table as soon as we get home.  I think I convinced her.

You sure wore me out, Winnie!  I love you and can't wait to cuddle again soon!

P.S.  The whole time I was having fun in Texas, look what was happening at my house!  Whoa, glad I wasn't there!  Had to believe I was splashing in the water at the park!


  1. That kiddo is waaaay better dressed than I could ever hope to be. I'm sure she stole the show everywhere you went! Loved the pics, Salsa!

  2. Looks like y'all had a blast! Also, that snow....oh my word.

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