Thursday, February 19, 2009

Loves It

It's been a while, friends, and I'm sorry for that! February is C-R-A-Z-Y. It's the month of our big TAKS test and the month where the program I run gets evaluated by visitors from all over the country. It's been stressful and non-stop.

I really want to post pictures of our new house - it's framed!! So I'll try to do that tomorrow. For now, I thought I'd show you something funny at our school right now. One of the teachers started a "Healthy Living Challenge" where every staff member is supposed to exercise, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, and drink 64 ounces of water four days a week. We are tracking our progress on a chart in the teacher's lounge.
My friend Craig (picture the class clown all grown up) decided to start his OWN challenge. He posted the following sign above the copier yesterday. I can't stop laughing every time I look at it. I'm glad he is progressing well on his "Live Like There's No Tomorrow" challenge by eating Reece's Cups, playing video games, drinking Mountain Dew, and pooping. Nice. I do love the people I work with so much. Where else can you work this hard but have this much fun?


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