Friday, February 6, 2009

My Five Minutes Of Fame

A few weeks ago, the recruitment director for YES (an Aggie, of course!) asked me if he could record my answers to a few questions about teaching. Next thing you know, I'm the unexpected star of our district's new recruitment video! It's on Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, and our district site. And it's here for your viewing enjoyment! When I first saw the video, I was embarrassed/excited. Mostly excited. Hope you like it. Wanna come work with me????



  1. Yay! How exciting! I love it when I can see things that help show what an amazing, yet challenging profession teaching can be. That is wonderful!

  2. Whoever made this video is a god among video producers...

  3. Yeah, he should totally move to Hollywood, start a YES school, and film blockbuster movies. And make millions and give it all back to the poor teachers. :-)

  4. What a great inspiring video! You look great! I think your job is amazing!


Thank you for your comments! I treasure each one and appreciate your friendship!