Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Supper Club Sneak Preview

The time has arrived! It's my turn to host the neighborhood supper club. On a recent drive to College Station, Brent and I brainstormed lots of theme ideas. This time, our supper club falls on Memorial Day, so I wanted to do something summery. Since my good friend Cassie already did a burger bash, I decided on a summery flavor: Lemon.

So the theme of our supper club is all things lemon. I'm super excited about it. I'm already envisioning fun decorations. We're going to serve lemon drop martinis, crab, tomato, and corn salad with lemon basil vinaigrette, lemon chicken piccata with linguine, and lemon roasted asparagus. This weekend I made it my mission to make a cute invitation to hand out to our supper club members. You may remember that Cassie set the bar pretty high with her invitations a while ago. I shamelessly stole a few of her ideas for mine. I thought I'd post them here as a supper club sneak preview. Enjoy!

Step 1: I created an invitation using Microsoft word, my printer, and scrapbook paper from WalMart. I LOVE downloading fun new fonts like this font I used for "lemon". Have you been to http://www.1001freefonts.com/? It's amazing!

Step 2: I browsed the summer section at Hobby Lobby and found these adorable lemon slice plates for $1.50 each!

Step 3: I baked up a batch of Emeril Lagasse's lemon squares. I was nervous because I haven't made lemon squares in ages, but they turned out perfectly! My two tips are to use parchment paper so you can get them out of the pan easily. Then, let them cool completely and cut them with a very sharp knife.

Step 4: I placed 4 lemon bars on each plate for each couple. Then I wrapped each plate with clear cellophane and tied it with a yellow polka dot ribbon.

Step 4: I slipped a clothes pin into the back of each tied ribbon.

Step 5: I attached the invitations to the clothes pin so they stuck up and looked super cute behind the lemon bars!

Here's the final product! I almost didn't want to deliver them because they looked so darn cute on my buffet.

I'll be sure to post pictures of the actual supper club after it happens!



  1. Oh Martha.... you're impressive.

  2. LOVE. IT. I want to have a lemon party!!!! Soooo cute!

  3. Katie! I think you're just missing your Lemmon roots - you're having a little time of nostalgia, eh? You remind me of Mom giving all of our teachers lemMon bread, lemMon cookies, lemMonaid...I was always so embarrassed. It's ok - you can be a Lemmon again for a while. ;)

  4. A-dorable! Can't wait to see pics of the dinner.
    And- I think Julia hit it on the head! I was thinking the same thing!

  5. This is the cutest thing ever!! I love the theme and the invites with the lemon plates and lemon bars--perfect!

  6. oooooh those turned out adorable!!!

    nice to "meet" you.

    i'm so glad you enjoyed the shiskabobs and i'm obviously going to get to learn some recipe lessons from you!


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