Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Let's Hear it For the Boys!

Did you know?? Very soon I'm getting a NEPHEW and a BROTHER! AND... my cousin just had a baby boy adding another stud to the family! I am blessed by these great boys, and I couldn't be more excited about the new additions!

To start, my precious sister-in-law Wendy and her husband Luke are expecting their first baby in September. It's a boy, and we can't wait to meet the little guy! I'm pretty certain he's going to be freaking cute. Here are some pics of her recent baby shower:

Wendy with her Grammy, Maureen. Aren't they cute?

Wendy opening one of her two adorable diaper cakes. Because you have to have at least two diaper cakes in order to have a baby. (Duh)
Praise God that I am friends with T-Rog, The Loj, cReams, Bradley, Lynch, and L-Merc who are baby shower EXPERTS. By reading their copious baby shower posts, I became aware of the famous "blessing branch". So, I straight up stole the idea and made this blessing branch for Wendy's shower. It turned out cute! The cards had little footprints and said "tiny little thing, great big blessing".

After we welcome baby Patterson in September, I'm getting a BROTHER in March! That's right... my sister Julia is engaged!!!!!! She got engaged last month to her amazing fiance, Darrell. He's super sweet and perfect for her. We've had lots of fun getting to know him at family gatherings. Alas, he lives in Virginia, so Julia will be a true Virginian now. That's OK... we knew it would happen! We're going to celebrate a beautiful Southern wedding in March in Charlottesville. I am officially old because I am Julia's "Matron" of honor. But it's OK... it will be super fun!

Darrell proposed at a beautiful barn where they met for the first time at a friend's wedding.
So sweet!
Here's the rock!
... And as if that wasn't enough joy, my oldest cousin Lee and his wife Jamie just had a beautiful baby boy named Parker Drew (cutest name ever!) Here is my cousin Lee with his new son. This is the same cousin who used to make farting noises with his armpits and chase me around my grandmother's house until he smacked into me and knocked my teeth out, so it's heartwarming (OK, kind of jarring) to see him with his own baby!! Just kidding Lee... you'll be a great dad!! I'm not sure what Parker would be to me relationally. Brent insists that he's my cousin-nephew, so I guess that's it. Meet my cousin-nephew, Parker:
Little Parker at his first photo shoot. Adorbs.
Parker and his mama. I can't wait to squeeze this little man at our next family gathering!
So there you have it... it's the year of the boys. And I couldn't be happier. Joy abounds.



  1. I'm laughing at your "But that's OK" comments! Congrats all around!

  2. Julia is not old enough to be kissing a boy. Tell her to cut that out!

  3. I'm totally tearing up because I am SO happy for Julia!! And I do kind of agree with the Loj that she isn't old enough to be kissing boys! But that just makes me feel old. CONGRATULATIONS Julia! You deserve an amazing man...looks like you found him!

  4. What an amazing shower you threw! Wow...I have thrown several that were not that cute and I'm a mom! I plan to steal your blessings branch idea quite soon, actually! Thanks!

  5. Thanks to my sweet SIL for throwing such a beautiful shower. I LOVED the blessings tree. Those will all go in his book.

    Please send my CONGRATS to Julia! So exciting!!!

  6. Parker wanted me to tell you he is excited to meet you. I can't believe I didn't know about your blog until my mom forwarded me the link. Can you come up and start cooking for us.


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