Monday, August 16, 2010

No-Recipe Steak Tacos

I have another no-recipe dinner for you! A special shout out to the three people who liked my last post on no-recipe cooking: my mom, my mother-in-law, and the fabulous Kate Gavos either already tried the meatballs or are going to. Today let's talk about my favorite food in the whole entire world: Tacos.

I've never met a taco I didn't like. Tacos are a definite standby in the Norwood household and I may or may not request Mexican food every time we go out to dinner. I definitely love the ground meat and taco shell variety, but here's an idea for an upscale, unique taco with sophisticated ingredients that comes together in mere minutes. You could definitely make this for company and pretend like it took all afternoon.

Step 1: Season a flank steak with salt and pepper (Improvise: You could also season the steak with chili powder, cumin, or whatever else you like.)

Step 2: Heat a bit of olive oil in a skillet on medium-high heat. Sear the flank steak on both sides (about 4 minutes per side). The steak will be slightly underdone, but that's OK - it's going to cook a bit more later. Let the steak rest on a cutting board in the meantime.

Step 3: Thinly slice 1 yellow onion and 1 or 2 poblano peppers. Add onions, peppers, and one package of exotic sliced mushrooms in olive oil in the same skillet you just used for the steak. (Improvise: You could also use red onion, green or red bell pepper, button mushrooms, or eliminate one of these ingredients). Add a little salt as the veggies saute.

Step 4: When the veggies are soft, slice the steak thinly and add back to the pan with the veggies. Cook over medium heat for a few minutes until everything is cooked to your liking and all the flavors meld together.

Step 5: Place some of the steak mixture on heated corn tortillas. (Improvise: Use whatever tortillas you like.) Top with store bought pico de gallo and store bought shredded cheddar. (Improvise: Use any salsa or cheese you have on hand. You could also add guacamole or sour cream). Heat up some microwave rice and you're done. Tacos are infinitely adaptable, and pretty delicious, so I love that this one uses a lot of healthy veggies and lean flank steak along with healthier corn tortillas. Hope you enjoy!



  1. This is a good one too! This is one of my staples, although I usually go for ground turkey. But, skirt steak is so yummy too! No-recipe dinners are my favorite, and tend to be the daily norm around here with a baby! :) Keep 'em coming! I love your recipe (and non-recipe :) posts!

  2. I will be trying these this week! Thanks!


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