Monday, October 25, 2010

High School Reunion by the Numbers

Three: Number of dresses I bought before I found this one. (It's from, and I love it! Don't worry, I'm returning the others.)
Four: Number of hours I spent shopping for a dress for my reunion.
Five: Number of seconds Brent spent deciding what to wear to the reunion.
Sixteen: Number of years since I was in Girl Scouts with these ladies.
Three: Number of girl scout uniforms we had: Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scout.
At least one hundred: Number of fun times we had horseback riding, cooking on vagabond stoves, eating hobo lunches, getting our hair braided, and using port-a-potties in Wimberly.

Six: Number of years we were in choir together.
One: Number of people in pictured with a super cool job. (Amanda, center, is an archaeologist!)

Twenty: Number of years it's been since Cameron (center) and I made secret forts at the creek by her house.
Twenty one: Number of years it's been since Cameron had a reindeer birthday party that I still remember.
Ten: Number of black satin and sequin show choir costumes Meghan (left) and I wore.
Two: Number of high school boyfriends Meghan & I now regret.

One: Number of UT cheerleaders in this picture (hint: It's not me.)
Two: Number of dances we went to together in high school.

Forty: Number of times we ate Rumors for dinner our freshman year of college while watching Dawson's Creek.
Zero: Number of inches of blank wall space in our freshman dorm room.

Ten: Number of years it's been since the girls of the class of 2000 have been together.
Two: Number of moms or moms-to-be pictured below (hint: not me.)
Eight: Number of 80s songs we sang together with teased ponytails.
Nine: Number of times this sweet girl has said she likes my blog.
Twenty-Four: Number of years it's been since we started kindergarten together at Moss Haven Elementary School.
One: Number of puppies who were glad to have some play time with Grammy, but equally glad to have mom & dad home at midnight.
Ten: Number of years until we do it again.



  1. Cute! You looked fantastic! It looks like you had a great time. Hail to the Lake highlands high school....

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your recap... SO creative!!! It was great seeing you and meeting your husband. Great (final) choice on the dress... you looked fabulous! :-)

  3. Cute post! So great to see you last weekend!!

  4. Wow, I look scary! Loved the dress! Loved seeing you! And loved the recap!

  5. katie, such a clever post! I have my reunion this weekend and I'm sure I will do a post that is not nearly as cute as yours! Next time you are in Dallas I would love to catch up!

  6. Love it! Too Cute! Now I have to think of something creative for my blog post about the reunion....luckily I probably won't have time to get around to it for at least another month, or five...
    Great seeing you!!


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