Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fancy Plate

When Julia and I were kids, my mom used to make us something for lunch called "Fancy Plate". Fancy Plate was basically everything leftover from the fridge and pantry on one plate. Maybe a little lunch meat, a little fruit, a little leftover pork, a little leftover vegetables, some spaghetti, and maybe a cracker or two. We used to hate leftovers, so mom called it "fancy plate" in the hopes of getting us to eat it. And we did :-) We even started to ask for it.

So, blogger friends, I hope that same trick will work on you too :-) Here's my blogging version of Fancy Plate. A little of this... a little of that. Enjoy!!

Luxe Fans... It's Your Lucky Day!
If you're a reader of the blog, you've heard me talk about the Luxe series by Anna Godbersen, and many of you have also become hooked just like me. I have been desperately hoping that Anna Godbersen would write another saga in the Luxe series. She still hasn't, but every time I go to the bookstore, I hope against hope and look on the shelf *just to be sure*. Today, when I made the rounds through Barnes and Noble, look what I found!!! A NEW book by Anna Godbersen!!! It's not "The Luxe", but it's oh-so-similar. It's called "Bright Young Things" and it's set in New York City in the 1920s. Yes, please!! I can't wait to dive into this one, like, tonight. Go get it and read it with me!
Embracing the Bootie
...the shoe, that is! I've long loved the mini boots, but I never thought I could wear them. (I'm not very cool, if you haven't noticed.) But it seems that EVERYONE has a bootie on lately, and they look so dang fashionable, I had to find one that would work for me. I had a gift card from my birthday (Thanks, Wendy & Luke!) so I ventured to DSW to find the perfect bootie. I found the BCBG Paris "Maxine". See me rocking the bootie below. Blazer gave them two paws up.

31 Workouts in 31 Days Recap
The good news: I worked out more in October than I have in any other month, ever. The bad news: Technically, I didn't complete the challenge. If you take a look at the sidebar, I was doing awesome. I only had to invoke a technicality one time. There was a day where I had to write a 20 page midterm paper for my grad class, so working out just wasn't going to happen. However, I did a few boot camps that were over an hour long, so I counted one of them as two workouts. There were a ton of days when I really didn't want to work out, but I did! I was doing great - up until the last three days... when I got sick. Of course! It was like God was saying, "Great job. Yay, you! You're so disciplined and in control! Oh, wait... nope... I'm in control!" I'm talking I was flat on my back, couldn't move, chills and fever, crying to myself kind of sick. Working out was not exactly a priority! So, I failed. I didn't finish the challenge. However, I do feel stronger, lighter, and more apt to keep up my workout routine in November and beyond! Maybe I'll try the challenge again another month...

Christmas Candles on Sale!
Bath and Body Works has all of their three-wick candles on sale right now! There is an in-store coupon you can use for $10 candles! I picked up all of my Christmas favorites: fresh balsam, winter candy apple, frosted cupcake, and spice.

Cozy Socks
Lounge lovers - meet the cozy sock. I am obsessed with this super soft, fuzzy, warm sock. You can get them at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Old Navy, and lots of other places. Whenever I'm home, I literally live in these things. Fashionable? Probably not. Essential for winter weekends? Absolutely. Make sure you buy more than one pair.

Hope you liked the fancy plate :-) Have a great wekeend.



  1. LOVE the idea of the "fancy plate" and love all of these things! (p.s. I must truly love you, too... because I haven't read any blogs in a week and I read AND commented on yours). XOXOXOXOXO

  2. Love your booty...I mean bootie! A-dorable!!! And we think you are very cool Aunt Katie!

  3. I have a completel love affair with Balsam scented candles. I am so, so happy for winter because my candles make me happy! I love it when they run them $10!!


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