Saturday, July 2, 2011

House Tour, Part II

Hi friends! Welcome back to part II of the house tour. Today I'm going to show you Blazer's master bedroom, Blazer's study, Blazer's guest bedroom, and Blazer's porch.

Here's the master bedroom... perfectly cozy. We got the new rug at the foot of the bed because we've never had hardwood in our bedroom before, and we discovered that Blazer (bless his little heart) was too afraid to jump on and off the bed from the hardwood because the first time he did it, he slipped and fell. Poor little guy. Now he has a landing pad.
Here's the master bath...tiny! Luckily Brent let me have this bathroom, and he uses the guest bathroom which is actually bigger but doesn't have a tub. And of course I have pics of Blazer up on the wall. Don't judge. I love that little guy.

Here's our study, which is pretty similar to our study in Humble. This is now my office!
Another view of the study
There is a third bathroom attached to the study. Brent said I was big time now because I have a bathroom attached to my office. Usually only CEOs have that, you know. :-)
Here's YOUR bedroom! It looks much better than last time it was on the blog. It's super cozy and you will love it in here.
Here's our lovely porch. We have enjoyed sitting out here with coffee and wine - morning and night! Blazer also LOVES being out here and he is so good... he never leaves the porch. He's just content to watch the neighborhood go by through the railing!
A parting view of our little casa. Love.



  1. im obsessed with your house!! so so cute.

  2. What an absolutely precious house. I love it. You've done a fantastic job. And I KNOW that it really does look like this 98% of the time... that's the craziest part. :)

  3. We have tile in the living space and Sully hates it. He is always slipping---so sad!

    I need to add that your home is BEAUTIFUL--LOVE your decorating skills :-) Can you pass a little of that this way ;-)

  4. Soooooo cute. I love it. I can't believe you just moved in and it is all adorable Katie style already.


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