Friday, July 1, 2011

Trail Running

This morning I decided to go for a little run because it was 10:00 am and it was 80 degrees outside. You know... because that's normal. There's this lovely little trail here called the Al Buehler Trail or the Wa/Duke (Washington Duke) trail. It's pretty much perfect: fully wooded (shaded), gravel trail, 3 miles, AND it makes a loop so you end up where you started. Today I tried to keep my usual intervals: 2 minutes walking and 3 minutes running. However, that proved difficult since this trail is HILLY! Oh, hello hills... nice to meet you! Anyway, I had fun, and it took me exactly 40 minutes to walk/jog the trail. It was lovely. After looking at concrete for my entire life, this is a nice change of pace. I'm thinking this will certainly become part of my weekly routine. I didn't bring Blazer this time, but I'm relatively certain he would think this was doggie heaven. Maybe he'll come next time.

It's almost magical!
Oh...just a little babbling brook that I ran by... you know...
I had that song from "Little Orphan Annie" running through my head... you know the one....(cue music) "I think I'm gonna like it here!!!!"



  1. I love this! Reminds me so much of our neck of the woods - literally! :) So glad you're enjoying your new home in NC.

  2. Jealous---I am new to the running scene but would LOVE to have a shady path (of course, with a babbling brook) to run on!!! ENJOY :-)


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