Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Adding to the Nest!

Brent and I are thrilled to announce that there will soon be a new addition to the Norwood nest!

Baby Norwood is coming in January 2013!!!

The Lord is good.  His timing is perfect.  His creation is amazing!  We are so blessed, and it is our joy to surrender everything to the Lord.  We feel immense gratitude for the gift he has given us!  Baby Norwood is 12 weeks healthy and growing.  We can't wait to share our joy with you!  More to come soon!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14


Julia said...

SO EXCITED!! Love you both!!

Lindsay Ward said...

Congrats! I usually just lurk but felt this deserved a comment!

Shayla said...

Hooray! Congrats to you both (and Blazer, too)! I'm already looking forward to seeing your nursery decor because I know it will be amazing.

Mindy Rives said...

What great news!!!! Congrats! Hope you are feeling well and enjoying pregnancy so far!

Ally said...

Congratulations, Katie! That's wonderful news to hear! I am so happy for you!!!

Maggie said...

I am so excited for you and Brent! Baby Norwood is blessed with two amazing parents :)

You will need to add another birdie to your blog. Can't wait to know if it's pink or blue! Lots of shopping in our future :)

Love you!

Anna Cate said...

I love reading your blog and am excited for you! I'm also expecting my first in January!

Haley said...

Ummm... this is possibility the best news I have ever heard. The thought that there will be a little human in the world that is half Katie and half Brent is almost too good to be true! Congratulations congratulations and on the behalf of everyone on the entire planet - HOORAY! :) xox

Laura said...

CONGRATS Katie!! Cannot wait to meet baby Norwood in Jan!!

Anonymous said...

AHHHHH!!! I'm so excited for you my friend! Enjoy every minute of it all!

Elicia said...

Oh my gosh I'm so behind on blog reading and was catching up on your NY trip when I read "maternity shorts" :) Huge congrats to you guys. I'm thrilled for you Katie! :)

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