Wednesday, October 24, 2012

28 Weeks

Well, hello third trimester!  It seems like this pregnancy is going WAY too fast, but then when I think about the fact that I've been pregnant since early May, that kind of seems like a long time!  I am doing great, and we are really anticipating the baby now.  We talk about her a lot - many times each day.

  • Water!  I am so thirsty!  Before I was pregnant, I would barely touch my water at a restaurant (maybe that's because I was drinking wine!)  Now, I get at least 2-3 refills on my water when we go out.  
  • Another big craving I'm having is bread.  I have never been a bread person, but now it sounds so good.  Healthy, huh?  My main bread cravings are raisin English muffins, pumpkin bread, banana bread (made both this week), and cornbread.  Mmmmm have to have bread a few times a day.
  • Still on the sweets kick.  Cupcakes, Halloween candy, and any sort of baked goods really sound good.  And I started eating frosted mini-wheats a few times a week like I'm eight or something.
  • I'm definitely feeling baby girl now.  She moves in spurts at various points of the day.  She is getting kind of heavy, and I know she still has to triple in size.  Yikes.  I'm having some definite pelvic pain.  It feels like all my bones are bruised.  Fun!  I have been trying to walk 2 - 3 miles most days, and sometimes I can barely hobble home at the end of the walk.  
  • I'm getting up at least 3 times a night for bathroom visits, and it's definitely harder to get comfortable.  I'm using a ginormous body pillow we lovingly call "The Great Wall", and when I flip over in bed, it's comical.  It looks (and feels) like I'm wrestling an alligator.
  • I've been strangely full the last week or so.  I'm just not very hungry.  I think baby girl is taking up a lot of room in there.  Meal time comes around, and I know I should eat something, but I just don't have a huge appetite.  However, at very random times sometimes I am ravenous.  The other day I woke up at 7 am and could not toast an English muffin fast enough.  I thought I might die if I didn't eat something within five minutes.  Go figure.
  • I can see her move from the outside, although Brent has yet to see it.  I've tried to yell for him to come quickly, take videos, and predict when she will move, but nothing works.  She's a tricky little one.  I read somewhere that in the third trimester, your belly takes on a life of its own, and I have to agree.  Sometimes it looks so lopsided, and I think it's because she's all squished up on one side.  When I see my belly move, it's pretty crazy.
  • It's getting real, y'all.  Today Brent is packing up our study in boxes and moving the furniture to the garage.  Bye bye study.  The study will become the guest bedroom, and the guest bedroom will become the nursery.  The switch will be final in the next week or so.
  • I've completely changed the nursery plan since I last posted about it.  You don't even want to know how many hours I've spent online looking for baby stuff.  Wowza.  We found the most adorable crib that totally changed our plan.  Well, not totally... the colors are still gray, yellow, and pink, but the pieces are all different.  We've already ordered the big stuff, and the crib & dresser are in our house as we speak!  Exciting!  I will do a nursery 2.0 post soon.
Fun Stuff:
  • We are finishing registering, which was really a fun experience.  We have a few showers coming up, so I can't wait for those!
  • We are still throwing around names.  We have a short list, but we haven't decided QUITE yet.
  • We're starting our classes at the hospital.  Last night we toured the maternity section of the hospital.  Next we are taking a "baby care" class.
  • I have possibly become obsessed with baby deal websites like Zulily and Very Jane.  I've found a few cute things that I just can't WAIT for baby girl to wear!
  • I have to brag on my husband.  He is the sweetest, best husband ever.  He is so excited about the baby and so sweet to me.  He has been overly considerate and kind.  He doesn't even protest much when I purchase ruffly pink things online that she doesn't really NEED but will look dang cute in.  He almost always tells me how good I look... except for that one incident where I got new pajamas, and he asked if they were "big girl pajamas".  haha.  In his defense, I don't think he meant it in a mean way, but I made sure to use that as a teaching point of "what not to say" :-)  I praise God every day for giving me such an amazing husband who will also be an amazing dad!


  1. You look amazing, Katie! I hope when/if I'm ever pregnant that I have the same stamina as you. 2-3 miles every day! Have fun at your class, and I can't wait to hear the name y'all pick.

  2. You look great and your pregnancy is flying by for me! You'll have a sweet baby girl in your arms before no time!


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