Friday, October 26, 2012

Welcoming Guests

I am so excited because today my friend Jamie from New Jersey is coming to visit!!  Jamie is my dear friend from my Columbia Teachers College cohort.  We've been through a lot together over the last 3 years - dorm rooms, fun classes, not-so-fun classes, living in New York, and writing 100 page thesis papers.  She and I bonded from the very beginning, and she is now one of my good friends. 
This summer, we talked about her coming to visit North Carolina in the fall when everything is beautiful.  It was one of those things you talk about but never do.  Except... we're actually doing it!  She's flying in today after school, and I'm so excited!  I've planned a "Fall Extravaganza" for us including lots of fun things to do, see, and of course... EAT.  I'll be sure to take pictures and update you early next week, but for now I wanted to post on something I did to get ready for her visit that I've always wanted to do.
I love having guests, and I've always wanted to make a little guest welcome basket.  My mother-in-law did that for me once when I stayed at her house, and it was so sweet!  I've just never gotten around to making a welcome basket for anyone else, so this time I decided to do it!  Jamie will have this fun treat waiting for her when she gets in late tonight.  I tried to think about things I would like if I was staying at someone else's house.
Here's what I included.  Want to come stay at my house?  Better hurry or you will probably get a task list for baby instead of a welcome basket!!

1 comment:

  1. COZY SOCKS?!? I'm coming next weekend. Oh, and you continue to shock me. I mean, I'm a BIOLOGIST and I still don't really understand how you and I come from the same gene pool...

    I'll have a gift basket for you when you come next time. It will be empty and you can put your dirty clothes in it. I'd be happy to wash them for you. That is all.

    Still can't wait for Baby N!


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